An apology to anyone receiving unwanted Twitter invites by email from me.

I have no idea how Twitter works, or how to turn the fr*ckin emails off.

Anyone new to Twitter should not let Twitter send out invitations

One thing I left off of my 1st Twitter post, is that Twitter is integrated
in some way to
Linkedin.     You have to be careful that what you post on Linkedin, so
that it does not end up on Twitter.

On a related note,

I think Linkedin is a great service, but I do not know if it has helped my
business, as
my customers are all computer illiterate, and they do not have the spare
time to mess with it.   They just get someone else, like their office
staff, to manage the page.

I haven't found any use for Linkedin related to caving, except to let my
friends know what it is that I do for a living.     Lots of cavers use it
more than I do, so feel free to correct me on that.     It seems like a
professional way to brag about your accomplishments though.   Right ?

David Locklear

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