Reference's "The Donald's" theory with excerpts.  Interesting reading. Would 
love to read Mr. Davis' publication, in English or German - apparently it was 
also widely translated....

julia germany




-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Jones <>
To: Carl Pagano <>
Cc: Southwestern Region <>; DONALD DAVIS <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:59 pm
Subject: Re: [SWR] Dilation theory.

Carl, I think you're on to something here.  I agree, it would be great to have 
The Donald's theory published again.  Donald???….


On Sep 7, 2013, at 3:21 PM, Carl Pagano wrote:

Does anyone still have a copy of Donald Davis's cave dilation theory? If so, it 
would be worth publishing again given the increased number of sinkholes. The 
world is beginning to collapse on itself because there aren't enough people who 
believe that it is hollow anymore. It used to be that people thought the world 
was hollow. Cavers promoted this theory, but with the closure of so many caves 
due to ignorance, the world doesn't know just how many hollow places there 
are/were, and so they are de-dilating. 
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