I loved your dissertation about carbide caving Carl.  And this whole discussion 
about carbide has been a kick.  Oh yes, the first time I went caving with a 
British guy, a “potholer”, he kept asking if anyone wanted to borrow his prick.

I am reminded of a time when I was on the campus of the University of Florida.  
There is a museum there with some displays that are karst related.  Just as I 
was looking at one display which had a hardhat with a carbide lamp mounted on 
it, a teacher came by with her grade school class.  One of the kids asked her 
about the lamp and she did not have a good answer.  I asked the teacher if I 
could say something and she gladly turned it over to me.  I told them all about 
 how it worked with the carbide and the water and it makes acetylene and so on. 
 I told them that I am a caver and we had a fun discussion.  I want you all to 
know that I did not tell them any of the things that we have discussed here.  
Nothing was said about explosions, getting burned by someone behind you, using 
urine, bad smells, or any of that stuff.

By the way, someone borrowed my Justrite about 30 years ago.  Whoever you are 
would you please bring it back?

.......... Sam

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