>From TagNet this morning
Washington County, MD, rescue...
By: Dean  Wiseman  (Indianapolis, Indiana)

A few weeks ago the world was aware of a cave  rescue in Schetromph Cave
in Washington County, Maryland. A short version of  the account was
released at that time, with a more detailed report to be  released in the
future. Well the future has arrived.

The first link is  a map of the cave. Red is the location of the gravity
trap, and green is  Stephen's working  location.


The following  link is Stephen's account of what happened inside  the


The  following link details why the group was there, a description of the
area  where he was trapped, and a version of what appeared to have happened.
The  story as to how he actually got that way may need to be revised when
the  group feels like talking about the  incident.


When  reading these accounts, realize the participants want their
privacy. Stephen  wrote his account with abbreviations VF (as victim's
friend) one, two and  three. I did something similar with YM and YL for
young man/lady. The 'in  cave' pictures were taken by the students. I was
told by Fire Chief Mike Reid  from Clear Spring, that those pictures were
for rescue workers only and not  to be released to the public. Because
there were different departments on the  scene, no one knows how the leak
occurred. I wish I could supply these  accounts with pictures, but being
sensitive to their original requests, I  decided NOT to publish their
pictures. That is not to say you can't find  them. They did, some how,
get released to the public. They were on web sites  and TV news
broadcasts. If you want pictures, you can find them if you  look.

_http://www.caves.org/member/jerry/scr_outside.pdf_ (http://www.ca
Today, February 19, Stephen and I went over to the cave with a helmet  
to record video of the cave. We found out some things at the owners house. 
Unrelated to the cave rescue, the owner had his farm for sale. When we  
today, a few guys were moving items to a trailer. The house has already  
sold and
the new owners will take possession this coming Wednesday. As owners, no  
followed up with them as to how the boy was, so we gave them a good  report.
And the night of the rescue, the young mother who lived there was  trapped
outside of a check point, and couldn't pass until the area  cleared.

These linked stories first appeared in Tri-State Grotto's  premier
publication, the Dead Dog Dispatch ........

your  friend,

Jerry Bowen NSS 51562 301-465-2651  cell

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