Some well made brochures would be nice to hand out to new cavers at grotto 
Just a thought.

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Fritz Holt 
  To: '' ; Texas Cavers 
  Cc: Mark at home ; 'Mandy Holt' ; 'Jenny Holt' 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:43 AM
  Subject: [Texascavers] RE: Ask Not What You Can Do For The TSA...

  Dear Community Organizers,


  Michael's post emphasizes TSA educational programs but my suggestion is one 
more along the lines of recreational gatherings which can incorporate 
educational subjects of interest. Locklear's East Texas Cook Out (now 
apparently defunct) is an example. During these "relatively dormant" and hot 
summer months, which number about five, TSA could plan a monthly get together 
of cavers, as well as "spelunkers" like me, and guests, for an overnight 
campout at various public Hill Country swimming holes where camping is allowed. 
There must be a dozen such places within 100 miles of Austin. The only 
"organized" activity would be TSA finding the site, setting a date and making 
it known to members. I don't know if we are welcome there but Paradise Canyon 
is a good example of a great camping/swimming location. To avoid too much 
advance planning and work by the few who do it, the gatherings would not be 
attended as an organized group but as individuals who would pay their own fees 
and bring their own food. Side trips to nearby accessible caves, commercial or 
wild, could be an option but the gatherings would primarily be for enjoyment of 
friends with common interests. Members could invite adventurous friends and 
neighbors who might become interested in caving. I wasn't fortunate enough to 
attend the Camp Eagle Men's Retreat last weekend but Paul Unger was there and I 
am told he gave a most interesting demonstration of knapping, which is the 
making of points from flint. There are those among us with similar skills and 
hobbies that could be spontaneously demonstrated for the pleasure of all in 
attendance. It sounds like fun to me.


  Fritz (not a project volunteer)



  From: [] 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:30 AM
  To: Texas Cavers
  Cc: Mark at home
  Subject: [Texascavers] Ask Not What You Can Do For The TSA...



  But, what can the TSA do for you!



  Michael Cicherski emailed the TSA officers this query and we all would like 
to solicit your (constructive and positive) ideas, improvements, 
likes/dislikes, and things you would like to see the TSA do.



     From Michael:


    What can we (the TSA) do for the remainder of the year to make a 
difference? Is there anything that we can pro-actively to show the TSA is the 
premier caving organization in the State? How can we make the TSA the "place to 
go" for all things caving?


    I will be up front and say that I have no answers to my own question. It is 
more of a question that we need to ponder as we move into the summer months. 
With the exception of the Texas Caver and TSA Convention we are relatively 
dormant during these summer months. Perhaps we could have 2 -4 training classes 
at TCR in October. Workshops limited to the first 25 cavers on such topics as 
cave photography, vertical beginner, vertical advance, cartography beginner, 
cartography advanced. 



    We currently have around 150 members and it has fluctuated around there 
since I have been an officer. The officers and I are interested in building 
more excitement and enthusiasm for the TSA, which will then bring in more 


    I just attended a superb climbing class conducted by Lloyd Turnbull and the 
Cowtown Grotto. These are the type of things we're interested in promoting and 


    So now is your chance! Rather than listen to me browbeat y'all about 
needing material for The TEXAS CAVER (which, I still do!) get your thinking 
caps on and send us some feedback!

    If you would like to volunteer to head something up, don't be shy about 
that, as well!


    I will be out of commission for the next couple of days getting a couple of 
kidney stones annihilated, but while you're sending me money, flowers, candy, 
and best wishes, think about ways we can improve the TSA.


    We're all in this cave together!





    Mark, Ellie, Michael, and Denise



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