On 09/25/2014 14:13, Charles Goldsmith via Texascavers wrote:
While this security measure is a pain to use, it will help prevent you from getting your gmail compromised in the future:Â https://www.google.com/landing/2step/

Another useful tool in lieu of or addition to the above, is to use a password manager like LastPass or similar product to randomly generate and scrupulously avoid using the same password on multiple sites.

LastPass will create up to 256 character passwords. It's free for desktops. If you want to use it on your phone or tablet, it's $12/year for unlimited devices (including desktop machine). Cheap and money well spent.

I default to a 15 character string setup using UC, LC, numbers and special characters (or as many spaces and features as are allowed...some sites still have things like 8 character maximums and no special characters).

Since going to this several years ago, I have not had any hacking issues.

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