Restoration Field Camp
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
June 3 - 8, 2013

This camp is open to anyone 18 years of age or older no matter their caving experience. It is a great opportunity for new cavers to learn about cave conservation, restoration and etiquette. They will receive instructions and guidance and we will be performing meaningful cave restoration projects at the Park all week. It is also a great camp for experienced cavers and restorationists too.

We will be performing various cave restoration and conservation projects in the cave on behalf of Carlsbad Caverns and enjoying our off times together. We will be staying in the historic research huts just a short walk from the Natural Entrance. The evening bat flights, visible from the porch, are particularly grand. The cost of the camp is being kept to a minimum and the mood will be casual, friendly and fun.

The cost of the camp is $30 which provides 4 evening meals and a commemorative T-Shirt. We plan to eat one other evening meal at a restaurant in Carlsbad sometime during the week at additional expense.

There are spaces still available; but, please RSVP soon. Camp space is limited. You will be notified and additional details will be provided when your response is received.

The camp is being organized by William and Tammy Tucker on behalf of the Cave Research Foundation.

If you are interested, please contact William Tucker ( Please include your T-Shirt size preference in your RSVP message.

Feel free to advertise this to members of your grottos or individuals who you think would be interested and of benefit to the effort.

Thank you,
William Tucker
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