Abstracts requested for the U.S. Exploration Session
2013 NSS Convention in Shippensburg, PA
Deadline: May 1st

Exciting new discoveries are being made every year and some beg to be shared with the caving community. The U.S. Exploration Session at NSS Conventions is one of the most well attended of all sessions. It is a great venue to present your new discoveries to cavers from all over.

Please consider coming to the 2013 NSS Convention at Shippensburg, PA. this summer (Aug. 5 – 9th) to join our session and show your stuff. Our session schedule provides 15 to 20 minutes for each presentation, allowing a few minutes for questions.

What you need to do before May 1st is to send me an abstract of 250 words or less, describing your presentation.

Please feel free to distribute this message widely.

Phil Lucas
SWR mailing list
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