Excellent work, George.  It's good to have the Texas Caver available  to 
the general community, especially the older issues which are very difficult  
to find in most folks' collections or libraries.
Just to be fair, those that access the current version of the KIP archive  
of the Texas Caver will find that the early issues are in grayscale rather  
than color, and the scanning quality was fair but not great.  Still, the  
information is all there if not the aesthetic quality of the original.   Note 
that some of the newer issues are rather large files as the compressed pdf  
versions were not used.
Jerry Atkinson
Texas Speleological Survey
In a message dated 8/3/2012 12:43:09 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
gv...@nckri.org writes:

A couple of years ago  the TSA directors agreed that I could send my 
complete collection of The  Texas Caver for scanning and free digital access 
Karst Information  Portal (_www.karstportal.org_ 
(http://www.karstportal.org/) ). The process took  longer than I thought, but 
the reasons were worth the 
The Karst Information  Portal is created by a partnership of the National 
Cave and Karst Research  Institute, University of South Florida, 
International Union of Speleology, and  the University of New Mexico. Its 
purpose is to 
serve as a free, open access  research tool for anyone and anything related 
to caves and karst. Currently,  the major effort going on with the Portal is 
developing a major, digital, open  access cave and karst library. The Texas 
Caver is one of 70 newsletters  and journals from 17 different countries 
currently available through the  Portal.   
While the Portal gets  many offers from cavers wanting to help and offering 
to do the scans, that  isn’t practical. The scanning, OCRing, metadata 
documentation, and many hidden  digital archiving features conducted by the 
professional library staff at the  University of South Florida is far beyond 
what any person who doesn’t work in  a professional digital archiving facility 
can achieve. Some of the hidden work  is developing flexibility and 
functionality, including for use with emerging  technologies that aren’t 
available but will be in the future. That  is much of what took the extra 
time. Also, there was major upgrade of the  Portal. I’ll send a separate 
announcement on that in a week or two, but I find  the Portal easier to use and 
more flexible, and there were behind-the-scenes  and less obvious upgrades I’
ll report on later.  
Though my collection  of The Texas Caver is complete, the online version on 
the Portal is  complete only through 2009; TSA decided to restrict access 
to the most recent  three years to only TSA members. Next year the 2010 
issues will be posted.  Also, the Portal’s collection is missing the issues for 
1968 and 2001. My  copies of 1968 and 2001 were too tightly bound and some of 
the text for those  years was hidden in the binding, but I’m now working to 
get those issues from  other sources.  
While this message is  mainly intended for Texas cavers, I know cavers from 
around the country also  read this list. If any of your would like your 
newsletters posted on the  Portal so information on what you’re doing can be 
more easily shared with the  rest of the caving world, let me know and I’ll 
work with you to make that  happen. Don’t assume “It’s just a grotto 
newsletter and no big deal.” Grotto  and regional newsletters collectively are 
largest and most important  sources of maps, descriptions, photos, and other 
information on caves, and it  is often not available anywhere else. Now with 
the Karst Information Portal,  your efforts can be more recognized, 
appreciated, and of benefit to cavers  everywhere. 
George Veni, Ph.D.  Executive  Director 
National Cave and  Karst Research Institute 
400-1 Cascades  Avenue 
Carlsbad, New Mexico  88220-6215  USA 
Office:  575-887-5517 
Mobile:  210-863-5919 
Fax:  575-887-5523 

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