Two times a year the Texas Cave Conservancy hosts an open house for the
public to learn about caves, cave life and the aquifer as related to caves.
They are held each year in April and in September on the Saturday closest to
the 15th of the month.  This year, the TCC CAVE DAY will be on Saturday
-September 15, 2012.  We have had over two thousand visitors at a CAVE Day.
We always need cavers to assist in this public education effort.  We never
have had enough staff to present our best information.  Each year, we have a
number of cavers come out to the TCC Headquarters, stay in the campground
and go caving here in the Cedar Park, Texas area.  We never have enough
caver support for CAVE DAY.  We may have to hire non-cavers to assist us in
this event in the future. Please let us know if you can assist.  You will be
welcome to stay at the campground and we will even buy food and beer that
evening.  To the cavers that have come out and assisted, we send our thanks.
To those cavers that have assisted in the past and have been burned out by
too few workers, we say Thank you-Thank you for being there when we really
needed you.  We will need workers to take visitors into both Avery Ranch
Cave and the Dies Ranch Treasure Cave.  Last April, we had over 2000
visitors inside the two caves.  This time, we have been forced to conduct No
publicity efforts except for our web site.  That may reduce the number of
visitors and make it easier for our staff.  For additional information on
CAVE DAY, check out our great web site at   Since we put
ithe web site online in April 2010, we have had over 653,000 hits.  Once
again, to everyone that has helped make the Texas Cave Conservancy a great
organization.  Thank you.




Mike Walsh


President -Texas Cave Conservancy




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