Meeting Notes August 14th, 2012
The August Meeting of the PBSS open at 7:02pm, 10 minutes after a
opinionated and probably near sighted individual commented to Tony and I
about the size of the table we were occupying. He obviously missed the
sign that indicated the table was reserved for the club and probably
didn't know the meeting was not yet at hand. I guess sometimes people
speak and don't think, or speak after thinking... only their thoughts
are a little on the short side of intelligent. Anyway. The table did in
fact fill up with Walter, Bill, Tony, Patrick and Matthew all in
Walter gave a financial report. Currently $800.79 resides in the clubs
Bill addressed an upcoming PBOC trip to Amazing Maze. The trip will be
on September 22nd and Bill and Jacqui and anyone else I presume that
wants to will lead a group of people from the outdoor club to and
through parts of Amazing Maze. 
Matthew gave a report on the recent trip to Wen Cave and Christmas Tree
Cave in CCNP. Bill gave some history on the caves and recent pictures
from the trip were shown on a laptop. Trips to Chimney and Helen's Cave
were discussed and will be planned in the not to distant future. Patrick
commented a recent job change should allow him to make more caving
Bill gave a report on the National Convention. He gave more of a report
on the storm than the actual convention but lamented that those earning
awards were not appropriately recognized because the distraction that
the storm presented.
A large portion of the meeting was spent discussing access to a large
cave in West Texas. Prior to the meeting much time had been spent trying
to figure out if the PBSS might establish a relationship with the West
Texas land owner. At meeting time we were hopeful to get into the cave.
Since meeting time we have learned that relationships with the landowner
are very dynamic and access will be tricky. 
The meeting closed at 7:41.
Matthew Ormsby
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