Sheesh, you people. I only had 900 things to do between work and home before I 
went on vaction and i simply forgot.
Cheese and rice almighty! 
I sure won't miss this BS!
Here you go, now go get a life! Me, I'm going for a walk on the beach so I can 
get my blood pressure back down!
 NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New TC Editor Announcement!

Jill Orr has graciously offered to assume the mantle of Editor Extraordinairre 
for "The TEXAS CAVER". beginning with the 3rd quarter 2012 issue, and serving 
as such into infinity and beyond (or until she gets burned out and wants to 
hand it over to some other hapless victim, er, um, experienced thespian!).


Thanks to everyone here who has ever sent me material for publication and a 
tremendous WAGGING FINGER to those of you too lazy or too busy with FB to have 
never bothered!

Now, ALL OF YOU HERE. need to send her material or, I swear to God, I will come 
over with a crowbar and start breaking kneecaps, Sopranos-style!

Thanks, Jill, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, 
appreciate it!

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