
It's good to know that you are a fellow conservative at heart with such lofty 
principals. When can we get together with other patriots to plan an assault on 
the miscreants hiding in Carlsbad Caverns? Do you really think Rick Perry is in 
on these dastardly plans? He should be impeached immediately or better yet 
strung up from the Treaty Oak, assuming part of it is still standing.
Your co-hart in saving our imperiled nation. Let's hurry while I am still 
ambulatory. Only one foot is in the grave.


PS This is your best oratory yet.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] Black helicopters


Thanks for this timely information. I was just about to go gas some Jews to get 
the gold fillings from their teeth to melt down into bullion, but now I won't 
since that Muslim traitor Obama says it is now illegal. This is all part of a 
plot by the Trilateral Commission to take away our freedom! How do I know? Why 
because I can see the invisible black helicopters circling over the secret 
meeting inside Carlsbad caverns. Everyone knows that there are secret tunnels 
connecting Carlsbad to Area 51, and that after the takeover is complete the 
Overlords from Planet X will use the tunnels to imprison patriotic Christians 
for medical experiments to render them gay. As for myself I'm gonna exhume my 
gold hoard, wrap it in a copy of the constituition, add some garlic cloves, 
then rebury it with a booby trap next to the church where I keep my arsenal of 
assault rifles. That should show those no good commies a thing or two! Now I am 
liberal to a degree, but if you think I'm gonna let Rick Perry move in next 
door and marry my daughter then you must think I'm crazy!


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