This post is only to help those following the news headlines in Japan.

If you click on the link at the bottom of this post, you should see an
aerial map of the nuclear plant in Japan that has had 4 hydrogen explosions.

There is a scale in the bottom left of the map.    You can zoom out, by
moving the slider bar at the top left.    The authorities
allegedly have 50 personnel at the plant trying to stop a meltdown.    They
have asked people within 30 km of this location to
stay indoors, if they haven't yet evacuated.   Since it is on the coast,
that means everybody to the west, north and south of the plant.

The largest city in that zone is Minamisoma, which was devastated by the
tsunami.    All the other towns in that zone are

If you look closely up and down the coast in this region, there were no
developments along the beach berm except for a few nuclear
plants, or complexes that resemble large plants.    There are lots of
villages behind the beach berms, and lots of agriculture, and lots
of small towns to the west of the beaches.    Many of these towns have not
made the news yet, but my bet is they were
leveled by the tsunami.

On a related note,

Supposedly, nuclear fallout is not good for fruit production.


Hollywood has postponed the release of 2 movies dealing with disasters
similar to this.

 Fukushima Prefecture Futaba District

Show on Google 
[image: Google Maps]

Below is another map site that seems to have more details:,140.932617&z=11&t=h

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