----- Original Message ----- 
To: nmcaver 
Cc: Paul Jorgenson 
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: [NMCAVER] NSS Forum Administrator Vacancy


Please post on the list serve and any others to which we have access.

Thanks loads,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Cheryl Jones 
To: BOG 
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: [nssboard] NSS Forum Administrator Vacancy

After three years of terrific service to the NSS, Wayne Harrison is resigning 
as administrator of CaveChat, the NSS online Forum.  www.cavechat.org 

So I am searching for someone to fill this position, to be responsible for 
CaveChat as well as head the sub-committee that is responsible for the NSS 
Flickr group, Online Cavers, and any similar Web groups that may be developed 
in the future. 

With over 2200 members, the NSS Forum is the largest and most dynamic 
cyber-community of cavers in the US, as well as a very important public 
presence for the NSS.  CaveChat is the first introduction many new cavers have 
to the NSS, it's culture, and members, and to responsible caving.  

The NSS Flickr Photo Pool provides an place for cavers to share caving photos, 
and OnlineCavers.com is the social networking site just for cavers.  

The administrator of the NSS Forum answers directly to the NSS OVP, and has the 
following responsibilities:

1. Overall operation, look, and feel of the CaveChat forum. 

2. Maintaining and upgrading the CaveChat forum software (currently phpBB 3), 
including creating back up copies of the Forum regularly.

3. Selecting and guiding Forum moderators.

4. Promoting CaveChat, including:  
a) Keeping links up to date on various NSS and I/O sites.
b) Seeking out other caving Web sites that might host a link to the Forum.  
c) Submitting articles, notes, and/or ads about the Forum to the NSS News and 
on caver list-servs to spread the awareness of the Forum and its benefits.  
d) Promoting the Forum at NSS Conventions  

5.  Chair the sub-committee that has overall responsibility not only for 
CaveChat, but also for the NSS Flickr photo group 
http://www.flickr.com/groups/caving_photos/pool/ and the nation's largest 
networking site for cavers, NSS Online Cavers www.onlinecavers.com. (Online 
Cavers has a team of administrators in place. The Flickr group requires little 
if any admin work.)

Applicants should be familiar with operating online forums and phpBB 3 
software, or be willing to learn the operation of phpBB3 software. They should 
also have some familiarity with php coding (enough to copy and paste forum 
modifications and upgrades.)

In addition, applicants should have experience with ftp and mySQL open source 
database software.  Familiarity with Dreamweaver is a plus.

Applicants ideally will be an active members of the CaveChat community and have 
a familiarity with the participating members, culture, and the site's Terms of 
Service.  Previous experience as a moderator or administrator of an online 
forum a plus.  

If you are interested in this important position, and feel you have the skills 
and time, contact the NSS Operations VP Cheryl Jones at o...@caves.org.

(Please circulate this message widely among cavers.) 

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