It is interesting that they left to go caving at 10 pm.....alcohol and
testosterone must have played a big part in their expedition planning.

On 3/21/08 9:06 PM, "Minton, Mark" <> wrote:

>       Frank Binney posted:
>> >Search Underway for 4 Missing Tennessee Cavers
>       The following was posted today on VARList.  I like how they say that the
> lost cavers could not be heard over the noise of the waterfall, rather than
> pointing out that cell phones don't work underground.  :-)
> Mark Minton
> From: Meredith Hall Johnson
> Sent: Fri 3/21/2008 8:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [VARLIST] TN Cavers Safe--article
> Hi all,
> I just came across this news item on None of these guys are in the
> 2007 NSS Members Manual.
> 4 Tenn. Cavers Found Safe After Search
> March 21, 2008 - 8:03pm
> TOWNSEND, Tenn. (AP) - Rescuers found four cavers cold and wet but otherwise
> safe after they didn't return as planned from an overnight spelunking trip in
> Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
> The four were found around 2 p.m. Friday in Rainbow Cave. They had left
> Maryville, Tenn., around 10 p.m. the night before and had expected to return
> five hours later. It is not clear why they didn't.
> The wife of one of the cavers, Garry Blakesley, a 24-year-old youth minister
> in Maryville, reported the group missing around Friday morning. Also missing
> were Blakesley's brother, Dustin Blakesley, 17; Jake Layman, 17; and Chris
> Smith 
> <x-excid://9FC10000/jmp:">;inform_keyword=Chris+Sm
> ith> <;inform_keyword=Chris+Smith>  , 20, all of
> Owasso, Okla. 
> <x-excid://9FC10000/jmp:">;inform_keyword=Oklahoma
> > <;inform_keyword=Oklahoma>
> They had "little or no experience in caving and were very poorly equipped,"
> park spokesman Kent Cave said. Once they discovered they couldn't get out,
> they apparently called for help but couldn't be heard over the sound of
> underground waterfalls.
> It might take until 10 p.m. Friday to remove the men from where they were
> found in the cave, about 500 feet inside, Cave said.
> "They were at the bottom of the third of three major vertical drops in the
> cave," Cave said. "It's like rock climbing, but rock climbing in the dark with
> water falling over you. The vertical drops are basically waterfalls."
> Rangers and rescue workers began searching Rainbow Cave, one of four with
> entrances in the area, after finding a backpack and rope belonging to the men.
> A volunteer rescue squad from Knoxville
> <x-excid://9FC10000/jmp:">;inform_keyword=Knoxvill
> e> <;inform_keyword=Knoxville>  , was helping in
> the rescue.
> (This version CORRECTS the spelling of 'Owasso' Okla.)

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