Hello All -
We watched the Bone Detective program about Maya burial caves in Belize
(Midnight Terror, Actun Tunichil Muknal and a shelter cave near Caves
Branch) on the Discovery Channel and were appalled by the destruction of a
stalagmite, the lack of respect for the caves and their contents and the
absurd premise of the program.  Unfortunately, there will be another program
in the series.  We received the following email from Jaime.
David and Eleanor
Friends and colleagues
A few days ago the Discovery Channel aired a show entitled "The Bone
Detective".  I don't know how many of you saw it but the show focused on two
caves that we have been working on here in Belize.  These are Midnight
Terror and ATM caves.
Let me simply say that this show was the worst piece of caca I have ever had
to suffer through.  The shameless editing of much of what we said and the
way they cut and pasted our discussions and interpretations was appaling,
disgusting and incredibly unprofessional.  So much of what Gabe, I and Raffi
said was distorted for the simple purpose of making it fit their incredulous
story.  All to achieve their goal of sensationalism. And when you see the
show it appears that Gabe and I were only here to assit their cowboy
archaeologist as he removed objects from one site to the other.
I can assure you that these folks will never ever have another opportunity
to film at any of our sites here in Belize.  Neither will I ever consider to
participate in any show by these people.  I truyly hope that this will serve
as a warning to all of you and that you be careful when agreeing to
participate in any filming with the Discovery folks in the future.  As for
me, this has been a harsh learning lesson and in the future I will request
to have a signed agreement with any film crew requiring that I be given some
level of editorial rights before the release of any show.  If they refuse
then they can go film somewhere else.
Below I attach some comments that Gabe sent me as well.
Well, my plan is to hunt Robert Yuhas and tie him down over
a fireant nest.  Or, perhaps put him in a room with one of
those crazy "three-step snakes."  Anyway, based on all the
comments I've heard, as well as have read on their comments
page on the website, at least poor scotty and the show are
taking the blame, as they should.  I was just so
disappointed.  I talked with robert endlessly about the show
in the spring and he took what I suggested and just twisted
it all out of shape.  I suggested he show how we go about
interpreting a new context (midnight terror) by showing the
data there, and then comparing it to other similar contexts
which are more indicative sacrifice (ATM) and a burial plot
(Caves Branch).  And somehow, from those noble beginnings,
they get to that ridiculous conclusion!  How sad.

Thanks to all for your time and here's hoping that this unfortunate even may
never be repeated again.
Warm regards to all,

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