Brian - good luck and thanks for taking the time to attempt to respond to the scientist fundamentalists. I doubt it will do much (any) good, but who knows and you are young and energetic. I'm fairly sure that polarity is not the answer and that evolution and god exist quite comfortably in a yin/yang symbiosis. As I recall the scientific method rests on the basis of 'question everything' - that is a difficult concept for young psyches. And metaphor is a difficult concept for middle aged psyches. Metaphor explains why every human culture that has ever existed has come up with a creationist story - and in their way they are all the same story: there is a great mystery concerning life and this is the story that is apt to our time and geography to describe that. Why we fight so bitterly over either/or as opposed to having a good laugh over both - gives me a good laugh.

respectfully to all


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