The TSA does a lot for Texas Caving...but we apparently do not do a good job
of bragging about all that we do...
Here is one very real benefit that the TSA provides to ALL Texas Cavers
whether they are members or not: The TSA is providing funding for
improvements to the tower at Honey Creek Cave. All Cavers benefit from this.
In addition; the TSA maintains a database of Texas Cavers for the TCR and
the TSA. And we publish on an annual basis a Texas Cavers directory that is
available to all Texas Cavers whether they are members or not.
The TSA is a sponsor of the ICS in Kerrville in 2009.
The TSA provides support for TCR registration. And the TSA is funding the
acquisition of new directional signs used to direct cavers to caving events.
The TSA maintains a website with a consolidated calendar of caving events of
all Texas caving organizations....that is available to all cavers. In
addition the TSA website has information useful to new and experienced
cavers...such as a liability release that can be used by anyone.
The TSA provides organizational support for projects.
I could go on as there are numerous other benefits that the TSA provides to
all Texas Cavers....whether they are members of the TSA or not.
What else does the TSA do? Well, we can do whatever it is that our members
decide to do and support. That is sometimes projects, it is publishing ³The
Texas Caver² or an activities newsletter. We provide cave rescue wallet
cards that could be a resource should it ever be needed. The TSA has held
vertical training workshops that have been open to ALL Texas Cavers.
And the TSA hosts an annual Spring Convention; where interested cavers can
see presentations on what is happening with the various caving groups around
the state. These presentations range from recent explorations around Texas
and Mexico to other topics of concern to cavers such as efforts to protect
regional aquifers and cave systems. As with everything else; membership in
the TSA is not required to attend or participate in the convention.
So...if membership in the TSA is not required for anything we do...why join?
Because, by joining and participating, the TSA can do more to support Texas
Cavers and Texas Caving.....and by joining you get ³The Texas Caver²....but
the real benefit is knowing that your support for the TSA directly
translates to supporting Texas Cavers.

On 1/17/08 1:12 PM, "Fritz Holt" <> wrote:

> RD,
> As an old timer and spelunker in years past, I can only speak for myself as to
> the perceived benefits of TSA membership. I echo the thoughts of Charles
> Goldsmith and Jerry Atkinson and I like your thoughts of wanting to belong to
> a group of like-minded people with a common interest. Many of us march to a
> different drummer which makes for some interesting commentary. This is good.
> From kids to geezers, our common interests are somewhat out of the norm but
> are a fun and satisfying pastime.
> For me, whatever the cost of TSA membership may be, it is worth it for the
> enjoyment of camaraderie with others at TCR, the spring convention and at
> various caving activities. In addition, TSA as well as TCMA allows me to visit
> beautiful sites and caving areas that I would not otherwise know of or be able
> to access. I certainly realize that many cavers, especially younger ones, may
> be on a tight budget and therefore I will go along with what the officers of
> the organizations deem is an appropriate amount for dues.
> I feel that the more income the associations generate, the more involved  they
> can become with education, acquisition and conservation of our caves and their
> inhabitants. I justify membership costs by the degree of enjoyment derived,
> including some of these dumb posts. My wife accused me of being a Neanderthal
> and dumb as a post and this was before she knew that I liked caves.
> Fritz
> From: RD Milhollin []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 2:56 PM
> To: Fritz  Holt
> Subject: RE: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver
> Fritz, for the sake of good natured argument, please enumerate said benefits
> and the value you place on those.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Fritz  Holt []
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 2:29 PM
>> To:; Charles Goldsmith
>> Cc: Kara Savvas; Johnson, Russ (ATX);; Scott Nicholson;
>> Subject: RE: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver
>> Mark,
>> Most associations of this type rarely have the necessary funds to meet
>> obligations and to implement goals. I would resist the idea of any reductions
>> in the cost of membership and would endorse an increase. The annual
>> membership cost is too low for the benefits
>> enjoyed by the members. This is my opinion and I hope that of others.
>> Fritz
>> From: []
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:41 PM
>> To: Fritz  Holt; Charles Goldsmith
>> Cc: Kara Savvas; Johnson, Russ (ATX);; Scott Nicholson;
>> Subject: RE: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver
>> It would still remain in a paper format, Fritz.
>> You would just have the option of receiving it electronically, instead of in
>> paper, at a reduced price.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
>> P.S. - Good idea about the membership application.
>> From: Fritz Holt []
>> Sent: Wed 1/16/2008 12:22 PM
>> To: Alman, Mark @ IRP; Charles Goldsmith
>> Cc: Kara Savvas; Johnson, Russ (ATX);; Scott Nicholson;
>> Subject: RE: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver
>> Mark,
>> As the discussion in question is relevant caving business, I will give my
>> opinion. I doubt whether few if any cavers are members of
>> TSA solely to receive The Caver. So, going electronically should not diminish
>> the membership rolls. Changing the format, making it available to all with
>> its beautiful pictures and most interesting and informative information, may
>> increase membership. It should have a membership application in each issue. I
>> assume that when sent electronically the cost is the same regardless of the
>> number of recipients. This sounds like a money saving idea for the
>> association but I will miss the hard copy in its book configuration.
>> Fritz

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