The following information on the status of the Bustamante Restoration Project was sent to a fairly large mailing list of cavers who have been active in the project in past years. For those not familiar with the project, it has been going on for nine years either on the Labor Day or President's Day weekends. There is an E-mail discussion currently going on as to the project's future. I'm posting this on Texas Cavers list so that a wider group of cavers will know what is going on and can join in on the discussion.

Orion Knox

"In case you haven't heard through the grape vine, we (Orion & Rune) have announced our retirement as co-coordinators of the annual Bustamante Restoration Project after nine years at the helm. Age and other postponed projects have caught up with us. We had a Bustamante Project organizers meeting last Thursday to see if anyone was interested in taking over putting on this project. No one jumped at the opportunity either at the meeting or by other means of correspondence.

We are now putting out a call to others who have had an interest in or participated in past projects to see if anyone wants the job. We, as well as others who helped organize the project in the past are willing to help out as time permits. The officials in Bustamante would be glad to host more projects as they have in the past and as everyone who has participated knows, we have accomplished a tremendous amount of beneficial work in and around the cave. The city and the State Department of Tourism have been very appreciative of our efforts and we can take pride in the work the "Amigos de la Gruta" have done. Although this world class cave has come a long way as far as restoration is concerned, much work remains. Should anyone be interested in coordinating future projects at Bustamante, contact Orion and Rune.

Our sincere thanks goes out to the legions of folks who helped put the project together and put in thousands of hours of hard work these past years and made it the success it has been.

Other decisions made at the meeting were that part of the project funds accumulated over the years will be spent on cave related books, hopefully in Spanish, to be given to Bustamante's library. With approval and coordination with city and State officials, we would also like to spend another portion of funds on an interpretive exhibit either at El Cono or the facilities planned to be built at the entrance to the cave. Seed money will be held back to fund a future project if one develops.

If no one comes forward to coordinate a project this year, several of us still plan to spend the Labor Day weekend in Bustamante to see how the development in the first room of the cave has gone and just relax in one of Mexico's most pleasant towns.

Orion & Rune

Orion Knox

Rune Burnett  "

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