That's understandable.  I would imagine you had texascavers subscribers
making inquiries to whether there was a connection between their association
of texascavers and the arrival of fetid spam in their mailboxes.  I know I
had a lot that seemingly came from nowhere.
It has declined quite a bit in the last two weeks or so. (to - I've YET to receive any junkmail in my new
wavycaver@gmail - I hope it stays that way!)

Incidentally, I've noticed that now I cannot post to any newsgroups without
my gmail address getting involved - so I don't.  Not on this platform. I
think my membership to all google-piped and google-based 'newsgroups'
automatically is associated with my java-embedded identity.  Other than
using a different computer or signing in as Mr. Anonymous when I start XP -
do you know of another way of sidestepping this?
I tried to make my group associations go back to wavycaver@yahoo (what I
used in the past) but the google environment just won't allow it.

Otherwise thanks for convincing me to use gmail - it really is the best I've
seen since way back when I was using "Agent" (back in those pre spam-mania
days with ISP based email).

-Don C.

PS - the confusion about the "wizard dialogs and mail services selection"
turned out to be Outlook doing ITS thing when encountering a 'mailto:' and
not knowing how to process it.  Grrrr - microsoft......

On 3/7/07, <> wrote:

Sorta, and we always have problems with phishers... the software is
supposed to strip out email addresses from the archives, and it was only
partially working, so I took them down until and update can be provided to
fix it.

> Hey - what happened to the archive view on Texascavers?
> Trouble with the phishers?
> -Don C

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