This falls under personal opinions and not caving related.  I am only
posting it because it is related to today's big news story.

By David Locklear

I hope I can make this sound caving related, but that is probably
stretching it.

I have heard rumors there are non-U.S. citizens living in the states that
not only go caving here, but are very active cavers.

I would be in favor of a plan to allow "undocumented" foreign cavers  a
visitation visa that was renewable every 3 years, as long as a U.S. citizen
in good standing sponsored them, and that the process be straight-forward.
I would not want them to receive any kind of gov't benefits and their
children would have to attend private school, and their spouses would have
to stay home or qualify separately under their own skills.   I would want
their entire criminal history, (not just felonies,) publicly accessible.  I
would think such a visa would be worth $ 1,000.

But how would the gov't weed out undesirable applicant's who find loopholes
in the procedures, that nefarious immigration attorneys are known for?
There would be so much fraud.

Personally, I am strongly opposed to deportation of criminals.  I would
much rather keep them here permanently in remote tent camps in northern
North Dakota. So I disagree with both Republicans and Democrats in that.

I would like to see a rule included to protect naive US spouses who marry
non-U.S. citizens, but to especially prohibit their children from being
taken out of the country.

On a related note,

my Mexican mother-in-law, stays with us for 3 months, then goes home and
renews her papers and then comes back a month later  She has been doing
this for 10 years and I am so burned out from having to deal with her.  She
does not hurt America, but does make pocket-change cooking tamales and
sewing clothes for other immigrants in our neighborhood.  The only help she
provides is being our kid's nanny, so you could say she is putting the
nanny and baby-sitter out of business.

Also, my estranged wife will be here illegally in about 3 months, as her
Green Card will expire.  She has made no effort to fix that, except to call
my mother and tell her what a rotten son she raised.
She just started working as a pre-K teacher in a private school in a
religious facility, so she is putting an American out of a job there.  The
pay and benefits are terrible, but location is very convenient for her.

One big question I have is, what other presidents in the world are making
an effort to allow US citizens more rights and access to their resources
?   Saudi Arabia ?  Tibet?  Syria ?  Puerto Rico ?
( just kidding on Puerto Rico )

David Locklear
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