How about Pasaje Superior? There is a Pasaje Superior and Pasaje
Inferior in Sótano de La Joya de Salas.


On Fri, December 19, 2014 2:17 pm, Nico Escamilla via Texascavers wrote:
> Gill, I just posted a picture of the formations on your fb wall, and
> corredor would be the right word, I'd use pasillo to describe some part of
> a house
> El dic 19, 2014 12:08 PM, "Gill Ediger via Texascavers"
> <> escribió:
>> I just consulted my paper copy of the map and notice that  I'd penciled in
>> above the title 'Birthday Passage' the name 'Corredor Superior', which to
>> me meant 'Upper Passage' at the time. I've come to discover that the word
>> 'corredor' isn't usually used that way in Spanish. The proper term should
>> probably be 'pasillo'. Eh, Nico?
>> --Ediger
>>   On Friday, December 19, 2014 11:25 AM, Gill Ediger <>
>> I'm not familiar with the name "Cloud Room" and don't have account access
>> to the photo sent with your post, Nico. Can somebody snag that pic and
>> it in the clear? I will try to compare it to any photos I might have. I
>> think I shot all those in B&W so may not have them readily to hand. We had
>> a room called the "Snow Room" which was just about the first feature on
>> right after going through the access crawlway from the balcony into the
>> BDP. There were some rather large mammiform formations toward the back of
>> the passage--developed underwater--which might be construed as clouds.
>> The quoted statement, "the speleothems found in that "newly found part of
>> the cave" " seems to not be referencing their 'discovery' of the passage
>> but simply a term to indicate that it was discovered more recently than
>> main part of the cave, as if citing something called "the New
Discovery" 40
>> years after its discovery. It has to be blatantly obvious to anyone
>> visiting the BDP that it has had plenty of cavers exploring it and
>> leaving foot prints in the mud and mud streaks all over the formations.
>> When I first climbed up to the balcony in ~1969 there was already a set of
>> footprints in the mud. But the crawlway leading to the rest of the BDP
>> had not been violated, being on the floor and under a low ledge and not at
>> all obvious. Whoever had preceded me had not bent over far enough to see
>> it. After some time (months or years) I heard of a trip by TR Evans, Terry
>> Raines, and another on which one of them (Terry, I think) had climbed up
>> to the balcony but found no going passage.
>> --Ediger

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