Amen, sister!


Mobile email from my iPhone

> On Feb 1, 2015, at 6:12 PM, Jerry via Texascavers 
> <> wrote:
> Posted for Mimi Jasek:
> To All Current and Future Editors and Proofreaders of the Texas Caver:
> We really do have one of the finest caving magazines in the United States, 
> but I would like to try to make you aware of something that needs to be put 
> back on the Contents Page to make it complete, and to correct an error that 
> is being perpetuated. In the past this information has been either there or 
> on the combined Publication Data/Contents Page. There is plenty of room to 
> add a text box above the word Contents with this information, or if it 
> belongs on the Publication Data page, put it there. I would suggest checking 
> with Logan McNatt as to correct placement.
> The Texas Caver
> January - March, 2015
> Volume 61, Issue 1
> I put this in the format that would be for the first issue of 2015.  In many 
> past issues, also, rather than Vol and Issue being put on the cover, it was 
> simply the months involved.
> Correction that needs to be fixed:  The Volume number is for a whole year!  
> DO NOT increase this number with the isssue number increasement!  Please see 
> the wonderful spread sheet provided by Jerry Atkinson in his 11/13/14 post 
> about the Texas Caver Publication List. If you have never worked on a 
> magazine before, and have never paid attention to this, then this mistake can 
> be understandable. But if we are still sending out issues to libraries and 
> other important cave owner entities, this information matters. For all who 
> may still get their hard copies bound into yearly volumes, this also matters. 
>  In 2014, the TC went from Vol 60 all the way to Vol 63, yet the whole year 
> is Volume 60.
> To many who see this post, this request will seem frivolous and totally 
> unimportant. But as someone who worked on the TC for untold years alongside 
> James Jasek to edit, type, proofread, correct, print, collate, address and 
> mail for any number of editors, besides working in a bookbinding company, 
> this information really matters. Design is completely individual as to the 
> editor of any magazine, but critical publication data is not, and is one of 
> those things - like proper page numbers for the articles within - that should 
> be carried forward from issue to issue for proper continuity.
> Sincerely, and with the best of nerdy, proofreading intentions,
> Mimi Jasek
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