Here are a couple of ideas that might work in a special speleolympics.
Many years ago at OTR in West Virginia there was an obstacle "rope"
climb. In addition to lengths of  rope with different diameters and a
couple of knots, it also included a length of chain and a piece of water
pipe with a faucet on a tee in the middle. Obviously the only way to
climb it was with Prusik knots, but even then it was amusing to watch.
  An idea that Yvonne and I recently came up with but haven't tried to
implement yet, is to construct a "cable" ladder with bungee cords
instead of rope or metal cables. If the right stiffness of bungee could
be found, the ladder might stretch enough when loaded that reaching from
rung to rung would be very difficult, not to mention the recoil from
unloading the rungs below. Should be fun to experiment with.

Mark Minton

On Mon, August 31, 2015 1:18 pm, Don Arburn via Texascavers wrote:
> "Advanced SpeleOlympics"?
> An intriguing idea has surfaced for this years TCR. This idea may
> incorporate elements of a re-belay course, CaveSim, squeezebox, water
> feature and possibly short adverse survey.
> "SuperSpeleOlympics"?
> The concern is twofold: it may not happen again (CaveSim availability and
> cost), and concern for those who would normally do Speleolympics but who
> don't have adequate vertical skills.
> Can we get regular Speleolympics Officials from the past involved in this
> topic?
> Discuss:
> --Ringmaster

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