Goodbye, Frank (but probably you won't see this as you've unsubscribed).

I read this list in digest form only, so I don't have to delete individual posts. The convenient topic list at the beginning lets me decide which posts to read, and I get it only once a day. So you might consider getting the list in digest form - much more time efficient, although some posts will be a few hours old.

I will never join Facebook (Hi Facebook, I know you're reading this and every other aspect of my life), so I use mail lists to keep up to date.

Lee H. Skinner (former Texas caver now in New Mexico)
NSS 4807FL

Message: 19
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 22:01:59 -0700
From: Frank Binney via Texascavers<>
To: Texas Cavers<>
Subject: [Texascavers] Adios TexasCavers List
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I¹m unsubscribing from the Texas Cavers list and offer some parting

€ I¹ve really appreciated all the time, effort, and dollars‹often
unsung‹that Charles Goldsmith has put into keeping the list up and running
all these many years. It¹s a real service to the caving community and I¹m
amazed the list self-moderates as well as it does.

€ My personal challenge is that I subscribe to a number of email lists; some
work-related, others community-related or special interest-related (caving,
birding, etc.). When someone on one of the lists starts over-posting
off-topic emails, I have to weight the time cost and hassle of constantly
deleting those posts against the value of staying subscribed.

€ At one time the TexasCavers list provided the most convenient and timely
way‹if not the only way--to stay in touch with far-flung Texas caving
friends and find out about recent discoveries and upcoming events. Now
social media‹in particular Facebook‹fulfills many of these needs. So I¹ll
stay in touch with many of you via the various caving-related Facebook
pages, and for those of you not on Facebook we can hopefully catch up in
person at TCR or the NSS Convention.

€David Locklear has written some very entertaining posts over the years.
I¹ve especially enjoyed the accounts of his Quixotic attempts to reach
distant caving events or of his memories of caver encounters back in the
day. Many of his more frequent posts, however, seem better suited to a
personal Facebook feed or a non-caving listserv.

Look forward to seeing many of you later this month in Ely, or in October at
Paradise Canyon,

Frank Binney
NSS 10816 Fellow

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