•TP Patrol, an easy job of keeping tabs on the bathrooms and toilet paper.

Put me down for this, it's a shitty job, but I am qualified and been spreading 
it around for years, so maybe time to clean it up!


On 8/23/2016 4:48 PM, Don Arburn via Texascavers wrote:
51 Days Left!!

Bring this up at your grotto meetings!!

TCR needs confirmations for the following volunteers:

•Dish washers: Sheryl, Dale (2 more!)

•Firewood gathering, work to be done at the park soon!!! Contact me.

•Door Prize Vixens to give out prizes!

•TP Patrol, an easy job of keeping tabs on the bathrooms and toilet paper.

•Registration Nation: Kris, Lizette, Jake (need a couple more)

•Shiner Retrievers, WHO DOESN'T WANT FREE BEER!?

•Ropes Popes, rope climbing organizers and belayers

•Survey Squad, organizers

•SpeleOlympic Wranglers, organizers

•Sleeping Bag Clothes Change Contest Crew (contest resurgence) organizers

•Recyclers are Stefan & Dale! (These guys are badass!)

•Hot Tub Team, folks who can help put the tub and sauna together.

•Mud wrestler pit builders Galen (a couple more helpers & a referee)

•Someone to make some awards!

•Minion(s) enthusiast to help me

PLEASE? Bring this up at your grotto meetings!! These are short term fairly 
easy things, they aren't going to take up much time and EVERYONE will be 
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*Bill Bentley*
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