Fall in Texas means it is almost time for TCR and time for TSA elections.

Incumbent officers 
Chairman - Rob Bisset - willing to run again
Vie Chair - Jim Kennedy - Jim will not run again
Treasurer - Kris Pena - willing to run again
Secretary - Heather Tucek - Heather will not run again

Please send nominations to me,  
You may nominate yourself or another TSA member for any office. A person can 
only run for one office.  If you are nominating another person please indicate 
if they have agreed to run and send their email address and/or phone number.  
If you have not talked to them about running, I am glad to contact them. 

Job descriptions:
1.  The Chairman, when present, shall preside over all TSA meetings.

2.  The Vice-Chairman is responsible for meeting and program arrangements and 
shall preside at TSA meeting is the absence of the Chairman.

3.  The Secretary records the minutes of TSA meetings and maintains a current 
list of members.

4.  The Treasurer keeps track of TSA assets by maintaining adequate financial 
records, including those for The Texas Caver. The Treasurer prepares a budget 
for the fiscal year, maintains the membership database, and insures the 
database is available electronically to the membership.

Nominations will be accepted until September 30.  

Please send nominations as soon as possible so a slate can be confirmed and 
ballots created.

Elections Committee
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