As most of you know by now, 6counties in north Texas were recently confirmed 
positive for the presence of Pd(Pseudogymnoascus destructans), the fungus that 
is the base cause of WNS. 30states, including the recent inclusion of Minnesota 
and Nebraska, are nowconfirmed positive for the presence of WNS in the bat 
population, and 3additional states, including Texas, have now tested positive 
for the presenceof the fungus on bats or in the near environment. The reports 
are certainlydisheartening, but not unexpected, as WNS has been progressively 
spreadingwestward since its first detection in 2006. There was some hope that 
theperceived rate of progression was slowing, and that it might not make a 
jumpinto the western portion of the US. This hope faded when a bat was 
confirmedpositive for WNS in Washington State early last year, and the recent 
detectionof the fungus in northern Texas certainly does not bode well for New 
The detectionof Pd in Texas is also of great concern as north Texas represents 
a regionwhere bat species that have widely different ranges overlap, presenting 
thepossibility that WNS could rapidly migrate to areas to the west and 
south.There's still hope for the western bats as it's not known if the species 
thatinhabit these regions will be as susceptible to Pd as in the eastern US, 
andmany bat species in Texas do not hibernate during the colder, winter 
monthswhen conditions for the spread of WNS are increased.

Regardless of the possible future impact of Pd on the westernbat population, 
WNS has reared its ugly head in Texas, and by proximity, to NewMexico. Scurry 
County, one of the counties recently confirmed for Pd, is only125 miles from 
the New Mexico border, and approximately 200 miles from thenearest significant 
bat cave in New Mexico.

Things won't be the same from now on, and we in the cavingcommunity will need 
to make some adjustments if we have not already done so. Istrongly encourage 
grottos to review the standard WNS decon protocols withtheir membership, and to 
strictly adhere to them. Folks in Texas have toreconcile with the fact that 
they are now living and caving in a state withconfirmed Pd, and that they 
should not bring their caving gear to other statesthat have no confirmed Pd or 
WNS (that means this year's NSS Convention). Folksin New Mexico that cave in 
Texas (or nearly anywhere back east for thatmatter), need to purchase a set of 
caving gear to be used exclusively in thosestates or areas with confirmed Pd or 
WNS if they have not done so already. 
This is notjust hyper-sensitive political correctness. Federal protocols for 
caving onBLM, NFS, and NPS lands stipulate these decon procedures and gear 
restrictionswhether we agree with them or not. Non-compliance can result in 
fines,penalties, and/or cave closures. Over 85% of the caves in New Mexico 
arelocated on federally managed lands. Cavers in New Mexico have been 
partneringwith various federal agencies for decades addressing the cave 
conservation,exploration, and management issues in the state, and have an 
excellent workingrelationship at the moment. Given the increased sensitivity 
and scrutiny thatthe recent Pd announcement in Texas will undoubtedly bring to 
caving in Texas andNew Mexico, let’s all agree that WNS is on our doorstep, and 
that we should alldo our part to deal with the issue responsibly.
Chairman –Southwest Region of the NSS
Past Chairman– Texas Speleological Association
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