According to this article, Austin neighborhoods are in peril.

David Locklear


I got fired today via text-message.    I don't think I have ever been fired
before.   I usually resign
once I realize the work-place is foobar.    This was my first cubicle job
in 21 years, and my first
desk-job in 10 years.    They kept just kept using fancy big words like
"productivity."    Go figure.
For the record, I lasted over 10 hours ( 2 hours a day for 5 days ).    On
Day 2, I told the owner to
his face that his filing-system was backwards. ( I was being polite by not
saying a**-backwards ).
I don't think that played a role in being emancipated, as he was probably
surprised to learn he
had a filing system.    To give you an idea how foobar it was, it was a
respectable law firm, and after being
freed from bondage, within a few minutes, they had the gall to call me
asking for free legal advice.

In the good ole days ( 1990 ? ), I would have loaded up The
Speleo-StationWagon, and headed west
for a day or two.
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