>From Patty Calabrese:

Greetings Cavers,
Join us for this meeting at Walt's place in the Lakeway  area while we settle 
on a new permanent meeting location.  Address is 16216 Stewart Road, Austin, TX 
78734.  Guests may start arriving around 7:30, BYOB, and the talk will be 
projected outdoors, so start time is 8:30pm for this one.

We will hear from Randy Gibson with the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Aquatic 
Resources Center.  His expertise is in invertebrate zoology and aquatic 
biology.  Mr. Gibson’s research background is primarily on invertebrate 
communities of springs in east, central, and west Texas and threatened and 
endangered species of the Edwards Aquifer (e.g. Devils River minnow, Comal 
Springs riffle beetle, Comal Springs dryopid beetle, and Peck’s cave amphipod). 
 He is currently working on captive breeding strategies for these listed 
species and working with others to learn more about the rare and relatively 
unknown spring and cave invertebrates of Texas.

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