yes, he may get paid IF he’s actually working without pay — and it’s likely the 
interest will add up.  THis is a rotten situation for federal employees.
Write your local congressperson .. .  whatever side you’re on
On Jan 21, 2019, at 8:50 PM, Michael Gibbons 
<<>> wrote:

They will all get back paid when it's over. I'm sure his mortgage company will 
understand. Especially if he drops them a line.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2019, 1:25 PM Cathy Winfrey 
<<> wrote:
How David.
If a Federal Employee wants to go the distance, they will keep their opinions 
very close. Not air them on a public forum.
My brother works for the Forest Service, and will talk to me, but never where 
his opinions can be overheard.
He's NOT watching the news, and doing woodworking projects.
Perhaps fretting about his mortgage next month, a bit.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019, 2:48 PM David 
<<> wrote:
There is all sorts of stuff to talk about, yet it seems quiet out there on 

Any of you affected by the gov't shutdown.

I recall there is a caver who works for the Border Patrol or something similar 
to that.

I know a semi-retired caver it east Texas ( who would prefer to remain 
anonymous ) has
been on furlough.

I imagine there are cavers in Carlsbad or that work for caves on land 
controlled by the
Federal Government, that might be affected.    I can only guess they are using 
spare time to go caving.

I do not think the shutdown is affecting me.    I sometimes deliver court 
summons for the
Federal courts, but that is not really any significant part of my income.

The news media is making a faithful effort to make it sound like Armageddon is 
about to begin.

There is plenty of fun exciting news going on, but you have to hunt for it.     
Watching YouTube,
occasionally one will find an interesting video.    There are other places on 
the web with interesting
videos.    ( I do not watch much tv.    I just found out yesterday that, I 
missed Season One of Star Trek
Discovery )

On a lighter note,

an enormous gigantic wall is being built in Houston.     This wall serves 
several purposes,
but one of which is security.     It is only a mile long though, and is much 
more sturdy than they walls shown
along the southern Texas border.      Yet, not a single person is protesting 
this wall, paid for by Texas taxpapers.
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Katherine Arens        Phones: Office(512) 232-6363<>   Dept. Phone:  (512) 
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2505 University Ave, C3300  Bldg.Location:  Burdine 336
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