>From David Locklear
***Please hit delete button now***

I have been completely out of touch with cavers in my region for over 8

I have no idea who the active cavers are or what they are up to.

I normally can not commit to anything whatsoever.  I always have to do
short spur-of-the moment road-trips on my own and usually leave on Sunday -
be back Monday night late.

As of now, Thursday night, the 14th, I do not yet have to be back in
Houston until Sunday night, but would prefer to be back Sunday around

I am just not set up to drive more than 4 hours alone.  I easily get drowsy
while driving especially after 2 a.m. on dark stretches of rural road.

Unfortunately, I can predict or guestimate that a client will call me
tomorrow afternoon with some totally ludicrous task that pays peanuts.
 And that task will require me to work Friday night very late, possibly way
past midnight.

But I can't turn down the income, as I have no other means of support.

Sort of like, when you are going over Niagara Falls, it is safer to be
inside a barrel.  Right ??


Anyways, text me at
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