Thanks, Carl! Very nice article. The cover looks familiar. I probably have a
hard copy of that somewhere in my collection of old magazine articles on
caving, but it's buried in a box in the attic.





From: Texascavers On Behalf Of Carl Kunath
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 

Wow!  Some of you do actually carefully read through your messages!


Eagle-eyed Mark Minton has noted that the first two pages were missing.  For
some reason Acrobat did not pick up that two-page

combined file.  It is now included with this version.


The LR photo on page 15 is incorrectly oriented.  In that place it's
sometimes hard to know.


Page 17:  Mary Thiesse and a few others wanted to know if "Linda" was the
same as my wife, "Glenda."  Yes, that's a printing mistake.  Moreover, she
is not "Squeezing through the Diamond Horseshoe."  She is looking at the
Diamond Horseshoe growing out of the wall in front of her.


There is also a photograph that bleeds across pages 18-19 that was not


Apologies for the incomplete earlier posting.  Also apologies for the
multiple postings.  The original post was rejected as being oversized.  I
split the post into two parts to meet the size requirements and
retransmitted, not knowing that the original post would be approved and
passed along.  Oh, well. . . .  Destroy the earlier versions and retain this


I hope you found it a worthwhile read.


===Carl Kunath

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