from Texas Cavers, Southwestern Region and Sandia Grotto lists

There were 59 Nouns on the original ballot suggested by cavers  and 4 on the runoff ballot.
59 cavers voted in the final poll.

Here are the results of the runoff poll that just ended:

A formation of cavers                27 votes
A crawl of cavers                    20 votes
A descent of cavers                   7 votes
A column of cavers                    5 votes
                                     59 votes total

(If the above vote column looks somewhat squiggly, attribute it copying a text file to HTML format)

It's been a lot of fun!  Thanks to the formation of cavers who voted in the runoff poll:

Alex Sproul
Amy Jasek
Aurelia Nelson-Fleck
Bianca della Vittoria
Bob Stucklen
Carol Russell
Carol Tiderman
Carole Devillers
Cathy Dahms
Dave Belski
Dave Jagnow
Dave Taylor
Evelyn Townsend
Ells Rolfs
Ernst Kastning
Fofo Gonzalez
Jacqui Thomas
James Jasek
Jan Campbell Unger
Jeannie Place
Jeff Lory
Jennie Barnaby
Jennifer Foote
Jenny Holt
Jim Evatt
John Cochran
Jon Cradit
Julia Germany
Karen Veni
Katherine Arens
Keely Miltenberger
Kevin Lorms
LaVonne Jordan
Lauren Campbell
Lee Skinner
Lee Stevens
Lindsey Adamoski
Liz Galbratih
Lynda Sanchez
Mark Minton
Mary Deal
Matt Zaldivar
Matthew Ormsby
Meg Fleming
Mike Flannigan
Mike Harris
Mike Mansur
Miles Abernathy
Mimi Jasek
Minori Yoshida
Paul Unger
Rus Schmidt
Scott Ozment
Shannon Jorgensen
Skyler Stevens
Stephen Fleming
Steve Peerman
Sylvie Gallet
Tami Walz

Now that we have formation as the plural nouns for cavers, let's start using it once in a while in press releases and with other cavers in the USA and around the world.  No longer say "a bunch of cavers".  Now why didn't someone suggest that one?  😁

Lee Skinner

"A formation of cavers spotted a colony of bats in the Big Room which became a cloud of bats later that evening".

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