Please be proactive and help. 

> From: Annalisa Peace <>
> Date: May 14, 2021 at 4:52:37 PM CDT
> To:
> Subject: Final Push Needed to Pass HB 4146 for Clean Texas Streams
> Reply-To:
> If you have trouble reading this email click here.
> Dear GEAA members and friends,
> Many thanks to all of you who called your State Senator to support HB 4146.  
> Unfortunately, we have heard that the Builder’s Lobby still opposes the bill 
> and that HB  4146 / SB 1747 might die in committee.  After coming this close, 
> we can’t let that happen.
> In fact, three of our favorite water related bills have passed in the House 
> and been sent to the Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural 
> Affairs.  These bills must move now if they are to become law!
> HB 4146 / SB 1747 prohibits wastewater discharge into our few remaining 
> pristine rivers and creeks - including the Devils, Lower Pecos, upper Nueces, 
> Sabinal, Frio and Llano rivers. It does not impact development nor reduce 
> stream flows; it simply ensures that the few remaining pristine stream 
> segments in Texas (40 of over 10,000) remain pristine for future generations. 
> See GEAA’s comments here.
> HB 2716 / SB 1723 would restore to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department the 
> authority of the agency to contest water rights permits and pollution 
> discharge permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 
> (TCEQ) if such permits might adversely affect state parks and wildlife 
> management areas or the fish and wildlife managed by the agency. See GEAA’s 
> comments here.
> HB 2350 / SB 1746 would require the Texas Water Development Board to 
> establish and administer a water resource restoration program to assist 
> projects that protect and improve water quality primarily through the use of 
> nature-based water treatment measures. See GEAA’s comments here.
> This coming Monday the committee will consider HB 2225, which will allow 
> Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to encourage and facilitate dedication of 
> water rights to preserve instream flows, water quality, fish and wildlife 
> habitat, and flows to the bays and estuaries.      See GEAA’s comments here.
> With only 17 days left in this session, we really need your help to make sure 
> these four bills don’t die in committee.  Please call the members of the 
> Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs and ask them to 
> vote to favorably on HB 2225 this Monday and, to schedule and vote favorably 
> on SB 1747, SB 1723, and SB 1746 ASAP.
> Chair:            Sen. Charles Perry               512-463-0128   
> Vice Chair:     Sen. Drew Springer             512-463-0526    
> Members:      Sen. Brandon Creighton       512-463-0104   
>                     Sen. Sarah Eckhardt            512-463-0114   
> Sen. Roland Gutierrez         512-463-0119
> Sen. Nathan Johnson           512-463-0116
> Sen. Lois W. Kolkhorst         512-463-0118
> Sen. Beverly Powell             512-463-0110
> Sen. Larry Taylor                512-463-0111
> Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
> Annalisa Peace
> Executive Director
> Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance
> You can donate to GEAA on line or mail a check to PO Box 15618, San Antonio, 
> Texas 78212
> You can always keep up with interesting water news on GEAA's Face Book page  
>  If you forward this e-mail, please strip off the Manage Your Subscription 
> option at the bottom of this message.
> Manage Your Subscription
> This message was sent to from 
> Annalisa Peace
> Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance
> 1809 Blanco Road
> San Antonio, Tx 78212
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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