
  thank you for taking some time to review my code.

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 21:52, Gubinelli Massimiliano <m.gubine...@gmail.com>
> I was wondering if on your machine the widget is really modal or not?

Well, this is proof of how bad a tester I can be. No, it's not modal, I just
foolishly assumed it to be. I'm sorry I claimed it was.

> According to the Qt docs you cannot have a non top level widget modal.
A possible solution (on the short term) would be to check if we loose focus
> and in the case dismiss the widget and quit the run loop.

That'd be easy. I'll give it a try.

>  Other solution would be to prevent the focus to go away but I do not find
> any possibility for this in Qt.

Maybe a combination of grabKeyboard(), setFocus() and QEvent::FocusOut
catching? I'm going to experiment a bit with it.

Besides, what do you think of the problem with the resizing of the canvas?
Someone isn't getting the relevant "grow this region" messages, right? I
should have spent some time with that, but instead I focused on digging out
a bug of which I'll post a separate report in a few minutes.

Miguel de  Benito.
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