Here is the unbrella topic:
We are in stage 2 (2023-04-04 ~ 2023-04-28):
There are only two mentors registered. According to the guide of OSPP, there
must be 1 mentor for 1 project with 1 student.
We need more mentors, because there are three students now who have contacted
me via Wechat. And there will be more students on the TeXmacs forum later.
Distributing the fork of GNU TeXmacs (Mogan Editor) is not the goal of
XmacsLabs. Using GNU TeXmacs/Mogan Editor is more important than developing GNU
TeXmacs/Mogan Editor for XmacsLabs. But now, GNU TeXmacs/Mogan Editor is not
good enough. We still need to focus on improving GNU TeXmacs/Mogan Editor in
For now, there are 11 official members of the XmacsLabs:
Graduated Student of Art who are instereted in Math (She)
Software Engineer
Translator (Esperantist) (will help us when AI translator does not work)
Students (from college freshman to PhD)
High School Teacher
We just voted for the new member, so, the number of member just increased from
10 to 11. And for now, all official members can speak in Chinese and are
located in different countries on earth, we meet online every two weeks.
We are trying to vote again for the students who will participate in the Summer
of Code projects and want to join XmacsLabs. And also, we will try to attract
new members who does not speak Chinese.
But for now, the planet project ( is not
ready for people who does not know the Chinese language. We are encouraging the
member to submit the documents to the planet in their own mother tongue but not
only in English.
A mentor must be a GNU TeXmacs developer who are very familiar with the code
base, but he/she is not required to join XmacsLabs.
Let us witness the Renaissance of GNU TeXmacs in the near future!
Texmacs-dev mailing list