
A few months ago I was granted maintainer to the PeerReview plugin.  I am
currently in my senior year of college at Milwaukee School of Engineering,
and the acquiring of this plugin was the interest of a class.  We have been
creating a custom Trac instance for the software engineers of the school to
use in a three trimester class that simulates a work environment (it is
called the Software Development Lab).  We have been working on improving
the plugin, and also have plans to continue this throughout the next year.
 My third trimester however is coming to an end tomorrow.  A new team will
take over where my team left off.
     To have this happen as smoothly as possible, I am asking for
the maintainer to be switched to username "uphoff", seeing as he is the
faculty Advisor for the SDL.  He is the constant within the SDL, while I
will be moving on towards graduation.

Please let me know if this is possible.

Thank you!
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