No, we don't do this. This is also the wrong list to address.
On 01/08/2012 04:18 PM, Karmic Traveler wrote:
> Hello,
> This maybe a little intense for a first question coming from a
> newbie... But I'm not big on beating around the bush. :)
> I have My own website that has a dual purpose.
> First, I am Autistic and I use it for role play and It's also used as
> a TOR exit router.
> But here is where You come in, and I hope one of You can help me.
> I am trying to create a Mirror for My site with the apache software
> with the tomcat server I have so  that I can use IT instead of
> depending on The Host provider I have now. I was able to create a
> mirror
> And I was able to create My own IP address for My Mirror... actually 2
> AND This One
> Is there a way You can help Me out? Or direct me to someone who could?
> Or is there a way I can do this with trac hacks?
> All I want to do is have My OWN site on My Own Server. To Be able to
> Log In and Out, do my role play thing, while at the same time assist
> others through the Tor Network.
> Thanks!!
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