Take Care and Beware !
Are you consuming your daily recommended number of fruits ?
Beware, you may also be consuming more than your daily allotment of PESTICIDES.
 Peaches top the list of most pesticide-ridden fruits, with some combination of 
up to 53 pesticides found on all the peaches in the study...yikes. With their 
relatively thin skin, peeling and washing can only do so much, so this one tops 
the list of fruits to definitely buy organic whenever possible.  

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but too many conventionally-grown 
apples might eventually send you to the doctor. Apples had 50 different 
pesticides found on them, so if you pick apples instead of gum to fight bad 
breath, pick organic apples  

 With 97.3 percent of the samples testing positive for pesticides, nectarines 
are third on the list of fruits with a high pesticide load. 85.3 percent of the 
samples of the fruit known by some as "peaches without the fuzz" had multiple 
pesticides on a single sample -- the second-highest number, behind peaches. 

With 38 different pesticides found, strawberries check in as the fourth fruit 
buy organic whenever possible. And, without a skin, there isn't much between 
and whatever has happened to accumulate on the berries.  

 Cherries are the next fruit on the list of the 12 most contaminated fruits, 
that, when combined with commonly pesticide-laden vegetables, will expose a 
person to about 10 pesticides per day, on average. 

Imported grapes earned the spot as sixth-dirtiest fruit on the list; 
interestingly, grapes grown in the U.S. Also earn a spot, though further down 
the list.  

 Pears are next on the list, based on the six methods that each piece of fruit 
was tested by: percent of the samples tested with detectable pesticides, and 
percent with two or more pesticides; average number of pesticides found on a 
sample, and average amount (level in parts per million) of all pesticides 
maximum number of pesticides found on a single sample, and number of pesticides 
found in total. Given all that, that pears are in the middle of the pack. 

Raspberries check in at number eight on the list. And what damage could a 
pesticide on a little raspberry do? According to a study in the journal 
Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that people who had been exposed 
to even low levels of pesticides were found to be 1.13 times as likely to have 
Parkinson's disease as those who had never been exposed.  

 Grapes are back on the list, this time for those grown in the U.S. And, while 
grapes aren't regularly peeled before they're eaten, they should definitely 
still be washed, because washing does reduce levels of some pesticides. 
other pesticides are also taken up internally into the plant, are in the fruit, 
and cannot be washed off.  

Plums round out the top 10. Like the other stone fruits on the list, they're 
tough to scrub, and aren't really receptive to quick 'n easy peeling, so going 
organic is your best bet for healthy, clean plums. And, while scientists from 
Israel have been able to genetically modify plums to deliver a huge payload of 
antioxidants, we still have to ask, is it worth the potential risk?  

 Oranges go to eleven on the list. Part of the reason they're further down is 
that they have a thick rind that is often discarded (or composted, though 
peels show surprising promise as feedstock for ethanol as well) rather than 
eaten, as with stone fruits, grapes, and other fruits with edible skins. Still, 
if you like to cook with zest of the rind and want to minimize your risk from 
one of the most-consumed fruits, stick with organic oranges. 

Rounding out the list are tangerines. Similar to an orange (and sometimes 
mistaken for them), the tangerine tends to be smaller, and many have thinner 
rinds than most oranges. That means a bit less real estate for 

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