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Date: 12 July 2014 at 03:58
Subject: Fwd: [vangalheritage:15979] Fwd: [amdavadis4ever] A Retired Air
Vice Marshal from Pakistan Writes

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From: Viji <vl.vijayaragha...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 8:10 AM
Subject: [vangalheritage:15979] Fwd: [amdavadis4ever] A Retired Air Vice
Marshal from Pakistan Writes
To: vangal heritage <vangalherit...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: retireeforumsyndicate <retireeforumsyndic...@googlegroups.com>


            *A Well Analysed Opinion from Pakistan*

    *The writer is a Retired Air Vice Marshal of the Pak Air Force.*
*His analysis of Modi appears very reasonable: *


*Two glass ceilings got broken in the first two decades of this century: a
black man’s son became the president of the United States – the oldest
democracy in the world and a chaiwala’s son was elected in a sweeping
victory as the prime minister of India – the largest democracy of the
world. A third such occasion is likely in 2016 when a woman just might
become the first ever female president of the US. This is paradigms being
shattered. * <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join>

*If you want to really celebrate democracy as some in this country are
prone to do simply by seeing one civilian government transition to another,
note the speed at which from mid-1960s both the ‘coloured’ and the women,
and the weak, have been able to find their place in the real democracies of
the world on their merit alone. No dynasties, no historical reference of a
father or a grandfather having once been at a position of entitlement –
simply the capacity and the ability of a person (men, women, ‘coloured’) to
prove his credentials in a field of play that is cut-throat competitive and
where only the best will survive. There are only two references in a
competitive electoral play; the person: his charisma, charm and magical
spell over the people – think Jinnah, Gandhi, Mandela, and Bhutto; and the
performance – think Manmohan Singh when he got his country some exceptional
growth figures under Narasimha Rao, and more recently, Narendra Modi with
his outstanding developmental record in Gujarat. Modi romped home with a
strength that was surprising even to him though pundits had already
predicted a wave of change. But what a performance. Kudos to India for such
an election; not a murmur of rigging or absence of fair-play. To win in
such an election and with the margin that Modi has, is simply too big a
landmark in contemporary political history. It was a ‘wow’ moment for India
and the country needs to be applauded for it.Modi is a rare combination of
the two. He has his spell and a sterling record of development, aided
without doubt by an enabling environment where the electorate could only
rest their hopes on him after others had betrayed it with dismal
performance. He seems a man who can easily connect with the people. An
effective orator, he outshined Rahul Gandhi who appeared unenthused and
listless in comparison. To the dismay of many in Pakistan, let me suggest
that if Modi gets his act together, he will take India places. India will
change, perhaps finally realising its dream and potential, as will its
polity. India will never be the same again; this remains my considered
opinion. He is that kind of fellow. Many in Pakistan wondered if this was
an election lost or an election won. If there was one factor that played in
wooing the voters, it was leadership, or the lack of it when they disavowed
the Congress. That did it for Modi. Modi appeared resolute, clear headed,
focused and decisive; all that Manmohan or Rahul were not. Is there a
lesson out there for us and our political class? Especially in our current
situation where not only are institutions entangled with each other, they
are also breaking up within. What is needed for Pakistan too is a
no-nonsense style of leadership that is upfront, owns the problems, and
seems willing and active in doing something about it. Not the kind of
absent leadership that sleeps by the side as the state and the nation
unravel before it. Statesmanship has been wrongly understood by this clan.
They think sleeping through, or remaining detached and above the fray is
how statesmen are made. There cannot be another as fallacious a conception.
Statesmen are leaders, and leaders work with their hands. Will Modi spur
Nawaz to do better? I feel the simple relativity of how India propels, and
how Pakistan nosedives under listless, lackadaisical leadership, will be
enough factors to force a change. Of what kind will remain to be seen.
Manmohan’s listlessness was too contagious.Modi, however is no
goody-two-shoes. He is also characterised as the ‘butcher of Gujarat’. That
will change. He is someone who reads his role well. What was needed then to
appease some at the RSS was then and that helped him establish his position
within the party; but now there is a different role for him. The weight of
his victory will help Modi establish his influence not only within the BJP,
but also within the RSS. He is likely to have much greater freedom of
action, as he now goes about establishing himself as a man of substance in
the international arena. He will not be the gung-ho Modi that we assume,
instead he will be deliberate, firm and unyielding in the way that he
charts his and India’s future. How might then Pakistan manage him? The
first apprehension is will he war with Pakistan. Here is how it will go. He
will begin with an immediate assessment of what his armed forces will need
to gain an assured level of readiness – armed forces are always short of
what they assume is absolute readiness; remember the nine months that
Manekshaw needed before the 1971 war, or how the Indian army dithered after
Mumbai from a reprisal action. Modi’s aim will not be to seek a war. But
come another situation like Mumbai 2008, he would like his military to
respond with effect; of that there should be little confusion. Pakistan
will then need to evolve its own plan to first deter and then respond to
such a reprisal. That will put them both on a slippery slope of escalation
dominance.What both sides will need instead are measures and processes that
will control and manage escalation, not dominate it. Failing these the
spiral down the stability regime will be rather rapid; consequences untold
and horrendous. It will also help if another Mumbai does not occur. We can
be assured of Modi working hard to find space for an armed retribution if
he was tested with something as horrible as that. It is better to be
prepared than be surprised. And how do you manage him? By simply being
better at what he does. With our current pack, forget it.Tailpiece: In a
master stroke Modi has invited Nawaz Sharif to his inauguration. That is
enough to test the mettle of Pakistan’s leadership. If Nawaz goes he will
need the acumen to dominate his first interaction with Modi. Otherwise he
is coming back with a clearer enunciation of how Modi would like Nawaz to
respond to his concerns. Devil and the deep blue sea, is it?

 *The writer is a retired Air-Vice Marshal of the Pakistan Air Force and
served as its Deputy Chief of Air Staff.  *


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