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far from me the sins I have committed. Let me not suffer for the guilt of 
others! Many dawns shall yet arise to shine upon us. Let us partake of them so 
long as we live! Rig Veda II, 28, 9 This has been expressed by the following 
Rig verse: 'This ... 
Vedic Verses

A daily collection of verses from the Vedas, Hinduism's revealed scripture

Vedic Verses for 7/30/17 

Remove far from me the sins I have committed. Let me not suffer for the guilt 
of others! Many dawns shall yet arise to shine upon us. Let us partake of them 
so long as we live!

Rig Veda II, 28, 9

This has been expressed by the following Rig verse: 'This is the eternal glory 
of Brahman: It neither increases nor decreases through work. Therefore one 
should know the nature of That alone. Knowing It one is not touched by evil 
action.' Therefore hewho knows It as such becomes self-controlled, calm, 
withdrawn into himself, patient and collected; he sees the Self in his own self 
(body); he sees all as the Self. Evil does not overcome him, but he overcomes 
all evil. Evil does not afflict him, but heconsumes all evil. He becomes 
sinless, taintless, free from doubts and a true Brahmana (knower of Brahman). 
This is the World of Brahman, O Emperor and you have attained It. Thus said 
Yajnavalkya. Janaka said: 'Venerable Sir, I give you the empire of Videha and 
myself, too, with it, to wait upon you.

Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV, IV-Death and the Hereafter, 23

That great, unborn Self is the eater of food and the giver of wealth. He who 
knows this obtains wealth.

Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV, IV-Death and the Hereafter, 24

That great, unborn Self is undecaying, immortal, undying, fearless; It is 
Brahman (infinite). Brahman is indeed fearless. He who knows It as such becomes 
the fearless Brahman.

Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV, IV-Death and the Hereafter, 25

Yajnavalkya had two wives: Maitreyi and Katyayani. Of these, Maitreyi was 
conversant with the Knowledge of Brahman, while Katyayani had an essentially 
feminine outlook. One day Yajnavalkya, when he wished to embrace another mode 
of life,

Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV, V-Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi (II), 1
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These daily verses are drawn from the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas, 
Hinduism's revealed scriptures, which are 6,000 to 8,000 years old. Many of the 
verses are from the book The Vedic Experience, by Raimundo Panikkar, available 
at our Minimela online store.
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