>From my friend


How many people say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed 
because they have to get up during the night?

Something else I didn't know... Why do people have to urinate so much at night?

Response from a heart doctor (cardiologist):

"When you stand upright generally there is swelling in the legs, because 
gravity keeps water in the lowest part of your body.

Now if you lie down and your lower body (trunk, legs, etc.) is in level with 
your kidneys, the kidneys remove the water because it's much easier.

That fits the last statement!

I knew we need a minimum of water to flush the toxins out of your body, but 
this was _news for me!_ 

Then what's the right time to drink water?  Knowing it well enough, is very 

Words from a  heart specialist....!

Drinking water at certain times, maximizes its effects on the body:

1. Two (2) glasses of water after waking up - helps activate the internal organs

2. One (1) glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion

3. One (1) glass of water before bathing - helps to lower blood pressure (who 
knew that ???)

4. One (1) glass of water before bed - can prevent stroke or heart attack (good 
to know!)

5. In addition, water at bedtime also helps prevent leg cramps at night.

6. The leg muscles look for moisture when they contract and wake you up with a 
Charlie Horse (calf cramp).

A cardiologist said that if every person sends this message to 10 people, 
atleast 1 life could possibly be saved!

So, I have already shared this information to this entire group. Many of you 
might be aware of a few, but may not be all of them!! 

Forward this message or otherwise, it your own choice.
But, if done, it can save lives.

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