1   DOGs

The first thing to note is: there’s no such thing as “the dog.” Just like
humans, each dog is different. So while scientists are working hard on
collecting data about the way dogs experience the world, it’s important to
remember that their findings aren’t designed to give you a blueprint to
your particular pet. The studies can be interesting, useful guides, but the
real joy of dog cognition is in getting curious about the way your own dog

While you get to know your dog’s mind, remember that there are many
different kinds of intelligence. Some dogs might excel at gauging social
situations, others might be adept at learning words, while still others
might have great problem-solving abilities — or your dog might have some
other cognitive skill entirely.  The research had proved that dog and Human
minds are corelated.

Although every dog is unique, there is enough evidence to indicate that
species-wide one of the really special things about dogs is how well they
understand humans. “They are very attentive to and responsive to us, which
is a great social cognitive skill,” Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, head of the Dog
Cognition Lab <> at Barnard College,
Columbia University, told me.

Researchers don’t entirely agree on why dogs are so socially savvy
The prevailing view is that their social intelligence is evolutionary: {
dogs are found 14000 years back as per fossils discovered} the pets we know
today, breeding has favored qualities that make dogs good companions to
humans, such as friendliness and an affinity for us, which make them good
at reading our behavior. There’s also a theory that each dog simply
acquires his or her social intelligence through the sheer amount of time
spent around humans – that’s why puppy socialization
<> is so

The answer might be a combination of these two factors – of evolution and
socialization. Either way, the result is a species with a remarkable
fondness for and understanding of humans.  AGE OF DOMESTICATIONS IS IN MANY
1000S OF YEARS; and dogs are seen in in Hinduism scriptures too; a tribe
Pulayan reared dogs for hunting; Kshatriyas had dogs to spy. Today Military
forces have dogs in the front to identify mines; and USA troop left many
dogs when they retreated from Afganisthan on aug 31 2021.

This manifests in many ways. Zachary Silver, a Ph.D. student in the Comparative
Cognition Lab <> at Yale University, studies the
way dogs interpret the social world. “They’re extremely skillful at
following our communicative cues, especially our points and our gazes,” he
told me. “But it even goes a step further: they pay really close attention
to how we interact with each other.” For instance, there’s evidence to
suggest that, in some contexts, dogs will notice whether a human is helpful
or unhelpful, and favor the helpful person.

Silver’s current research focuses on dogs’ understanding of humans’
perspectives: he’s working to build on previous findings indicating that,
in some contexts, if food is hidden such that a dog sees one person observe
the hiding and one miss it, they are more likely to take a hint about its
whereabouts from the person who watched it being hidden. This suggests that
dogs might be drawing all sorts of complex conclusions about what we know
and feel.

As Silver observes, “Dogs do pretty sophisticated things regarding
understanding our own perspective.”

The Dog’s Nose Knows

If humans want to understand what it’s like to be a dog, the nose is an
excellent place to start. It’s well known that dogs have a much more
powerful sense of smell than humans, but did you know just how much more
powerful? As Alexandra Horowitz outlines in her *New York Times* bestselling
book “Being a Dog: Following the Dog Into a World of Smell”:

*Explosive-detection dogs smell as little as a picogram—a trillionth of a
gram— of TNT or other explosive. What might it be like to notice a picogram
of an odor? … The average cinnamon roll has about a gram of cinnamon in it.
Sure, the human nose is on it, from the moment we open the door of the
house. Now imagine the smell of one trillion cinnamon rolls. That’s what
the dog coming in with us smells when we enter.*

And  GOD and DOG are two sides of a coin  and protects when close to them
 (KR)   I HAD 3 DOGS AND THE LAST WAS AN Alsatian (German shepherd reared
from 7th day of high breed) named by me as Venkatesh. My wife used to feed
it with her hands; whenever I was away from my home for weeks, HE (he) did
his job so diligently; and the veterinarian used to be frightened of his
postures and would receive the injections only if I am there asking him to
take it. None can near him; he had not bitten any one; but if any one steps
in he will jump nowhere from a corner and arrest the man or woman, placing
the forelegs on his/ her chest ,waiting for us to command or instructions;
when my children return back from the school even at a distance of 500 ft
hearing theory cycle bells, HE (he) will run inside barking to my wife
their arrival; it was (all the three) a pure vegetarian dog. KR IRS 15921

*2 *There is nothing wrong in having idols at home ; when Veena is kept in
a showcase decorating the home, what if a pancha loha is kept either as a
decorative piece or Pooja piece. All are stones only when we sit on; when
we do puja it becomes an idol of worship. Only illegal and purchased from
the thieves are prohibited.

3     *Heat transfer: Conduction, Convection & Radiation*

* What is heat transfer?*

• Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy between physical objects.

• Heat will naturally flow from a hotter to a colder object (2nd Law of

• Thermal equilibrium happens when all involved objects and their
environment reach the same temperature.

• There are essentially three ways that heat can be transferred:
*Conduction*; *Convection*; & *Radiation*

*Conduction     *• Conduction is the main method of heat transfer within
solid objects or between solid objects in contact with each other.

• Molecules in the hotter part of the object vibrate faster than the
molecules in the cooler parts. The faster moving molecules transfer part of
the energy to their slower moving neighbours – so transferring heat through
the object

• A ‘steady state’ is achieved when the heat entering the object at one
side is balanced by that being emitted from the other side. Throughout the
period of time, the object’s heat remains constant.

• Metals are highly conductive whereas gases are not.


• Liquids and gases are fluids.
[image: image.png]

*Typical example of convection used to warm space*   (air conditioners)
• Convection is the movement of heat via currents as heated molecules move
from hot places to cooler places.

- When molecules are heated in a fluid, they vibrate faster.

- Higher temperature fluid molecules expand the space they occupy.

- The resulting heated space is less dense compared with the cooler spaces

- The heated, less dense fluid rises to replace the denser, cooler fluid,
which in turn sinks into the warmer areas.

- The repeated rising and falling of warming and cooling liquid or gas sets
up the convection current.

- Through warming up one side of a solid container of fluid, the convection
currents can transfer heat to the other sides; or heat between two solid
objects sandwiching a fluid.

*Electromagnetic Radiation & Electromagnetic Spectrum (courtesy Astronomy

• All objects absorb and emit thermal radiation (aka infrared
electromagnetic radiation).

• Heat energy is transferred via waves, not particles.

• The Earth is heated through thermal radiation from the Sun.

*Solar radiation heating concrete floor*

• Thermal radiation is emitted as a result of the random movements of atoms
and molecules in matter. Since these atoms and molecules are composed of
charged particles (protons and electrons) their movement causes the
emission of electromagnetic radiation, which carries energy away from the
surface of the body.

• Thermal radiation is absorbed well by : - Water, water vapour, glass,
wood, brick, stone, concrete, asphalt, copper,

• Thermal radiation is reflected well by :  - Aluminium foil        KR IRS

On Wed, 15 Sept 2021 at 08:48, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 09-2021-15*
> *Being compilation there may be  errors*
> *Q1           Will Queen Elizabeth II frequently visit Prince Philip's
>  grave?*
> *A1           Chris Smith  May 19*
> *He doesn’t have a ‘grave’.*
> *He is in the vault under St George’s Chapel where he will remain until
> she dies and they will be laid to rest together in the George VI Memorial
> Chapel in St George’s Chapel.*
> *If she wants to visit the vault she can do so.*
> *If she wants to go to St George’s Chapel and pray she can do so but she
> usually attends a more private service in the private chapel in Windsor
> Castle, which was redesigned during the restoration after the 1992 fire.*
> *She may not feel a need to visit a coffin to feel close to him. He will
> be around her at Windsor which was their ‘home’ in many ways so she will
> have memories of him everywhere she goes at that home.*
> *Q2           What candle would burn faster, a white candle or a purple
> one?*
> *A2           Gopala Krishnan, former Retired Assistant General Manager
> 1996-2004 at Department of** Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now*
> *The colour candle chemicals if assist in burning quicker, the candle my
> burn quickly*
> *Q3           What are advantages and disadvantages of installing tiles on
> an open terrace? Does it help in waterproofing it?*
> *A3           Dinesh Vyas, Empowering Construction professionals as
> Techno-Mktg Pro.Updated** December 29, 2020*
> *There is absolutely no disadvantage unless you can do without it and look
> at opportunity cost elsewhere for higher returns by investing the saved
> money!*
> *Coming to the advantages…    *
> *It will make your terrace worth visiting and spending sometimenin the
> open. Imaging few minutes or an hour during morning or evening.    *
> *One it is tiled, it will be easy to maintained. You can have some
> container planters. In fact, with as little as 200 sq.ft. area, you can
> grow leafy and other vegetables too!    *
> *The beautiful terrace with some greenry will add fun and freshness in
> your life… if there is sufficient Sun light, try some solar panels and use
> the generated power in lighting your home.*
> *Now coming to water proofing.*
> *Do water proofing of the terrace before the tiling. As you do tiling, you
> will maintain the right slope as per the drainage plan and that will ensure
> that water runs off quickly, no accumulation on terrace (main cause of
> leaking roofs)…so in way, tiling post water proofing will make your
> waterproofing stable and long term.*
> *Enjoy your terrace. Did I tell you there are now special tiles for
> terrace particularly if you are in India and face hot summers? One such
> option is Johnson's COOL-ROOF tiles in its Endura collection. These are
> high SRI (Solar Reflectice Index), porcelain tiles which do not allow the
> roof to get too much heated during peak summer days; this results into much
> cool ambiance below the roof.*
> *Q4           Do dogs actually care for humans, or do they get attached
> because they see us as their providers?*
> * A4           Morgan Jones Follow MS from Midwest,** United States
> (Graduated 2007)September 2*
> *My daughter begged for a dog for about 2 years. We finally got Norman
> from a rescue shelter. Of course he showed unconditional love and patience
> with our daughter who was 9 at the time. As years went by, he became a
> solid listener when she struggled at school or when any of the rest of us
> had hard times.*
> *Around two years ago, on what should have been his adoption birthday, our
> daughter fell ill and had to be rushed to the hospital. Norman had to stay
> with the neighbors. After nine days, our daughter died. My wife and I came
> home. The neighbors had dropped Norman off to be there for us. He greeted
> us at the door from the garage, then paused looking for our daughter. We
> told him that she was gone. He then went to her room and scoured the rest
> of the house looking for her.*
> *Most nights he sleeps on her bed. Some of her stuffed animals are still
> there and he has never bothered them. He can tell when I am more emotional.
> Especially in the first days and weeks that followed her death. On walks,
> he would insist on going a little further, which was helpful to me.*
> *Yes, his bond is more than just looking for some kibble.*
> *Q5           Are we allowed to keep Panchaloha Vigrahas at home?*
> *A5        Rami Sivan Priest, Dharma teacher,** counsellor, Gov. Advisor
> (1998–present)September 6*
> *Panchaloha vigrahas or icons made from five metals are the most desirable
> for worship both in the temple and at home.*
> *The best ones are those made specifically and individually for you and
> not purchased commercially. The centre for such manufacture by order is at
> Pallani in South India where all the icons are made by the lost wax method
> so none can ever be exactly duplicated from a mould.*
> *Q6           Why is only sine wave used for representing the AC currents?
> Why should we not use square or triangle wave?*
> *A6           Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant General*
> * Manager 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now *
> *Because the  energy molecules travel in Sine Wave form*
> *Q7           Are all electrical cables the same?*
> *A7           Tom Cosby, former Electronics Service Answered 26m ago*
> *Of Course NOT NO, they are different depending on what the specific
> purpose it is serving. They all carry electrical energy.*
> *Q8           How does air conditioning remove heat from a building?*
> *A8           2 Answers David Brann, Retired locomotive diesel** engine
> engineer Updated 21h ago*
> *By utilizing the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: “Heat flows from higher
> temperature to lower temprerature regions.” The condensing unit outside the
> building compresses the working fluid (usually some type of Freon, though
> in industrial applications ammonia is sometimes used) which heats it up
> above the ambient temperature. It passes through a cooling coil, where it
> condenses, still at high pressure, and dumps its heat load to the
> atmosphere. Then, inside the building the fluid passes through an orifice
> to a lower pressure, and evaporates. This drops the temperature to below
> that of the air in the building, so as it passes through a cooling coil it
> picks up heat from the building. Thence, back to the condensing unit to
> start the process all over again. *
> *It’s all driven by the compressor in the condensing unit.*
> *2nd answer- Thayer Ward, HVAC Technician Answered Fri*
> *The compressor compresses high heat content, low pressure vapor into high
> heat content, high pressure vapor. Since temperature follows pressure, the
> temperature is raised. It is raised to approximately 20° warmer than the
> outside temperature. The discharged vapor flows to the condenser, the
> outside coil. A fan runs across the condenser coil, removing the vapor heat
> content and expelling it outside, causing the vapor to condense into
> liquid. The low heat content, high pressure liquid moves to the metering
> device.*
> *The metering device meters the liquid, allowing a certain amount through,
> creating a pressure drop on the outlet. The liquid flashes into a high
> liquid, low vapor mixture and drops pressure dramatically, without removing
> any more heat content, and with the pressure drop comes a temperature drop,
> down to approximately 30–35° lower than the inside temperature. The low
> heat content, low pressure liquid/vapor mixture enters the evaporator. A
> fan blows inside air across the evaporator, adding heat content to the
> liquid/vapor mixture, boiling the liquid into vapor. The high heat content,
> low pressure vapor moves to the compressor, and the process starts again.*
> *Ammonia is NOT an AC refrigerant. AC refers to comfort cooling, cooling
> normally occupied spaces. Ammonia is strictly refrigeration, and is used
> primarily in large agricultural storage buildings and large farms, where an
> entire storage facility needs to be cooled.*
> *Freon is a couple different types of refrigerant, specifically made by
> DuPont. It is not a correct term for refrigerant.*
> *Q9           How can an electric current be conducted?*
> *A9           Ritwik Sunny, former Customer Support** Executive at Ashok
> Leyland Answered 1h ago*
> *In conductors or semiconductors, electric current is conducted by the
> tiny particles. These tiny particles are known as electric charge carriers.
> The electric charge carriers could be electrons, holes, protons, ions etc.
> However, the electric current is often conducted by electrons and holes.*
> *Q10         Which is the best steel for house construction?*
> *A10         3 Answers Lakshman Patil Answered August** 18*
> *10 Best Steel Brand for House Construction in India*
> *JSW Steel Ltd.     Tata Steel.    SAIL.    ESSAR Steel Ltd.    Jindal
> Steel and Power Ltd.    VISA Steel.    SRMB Steel.    Electro Steel.*
> *2ND ANSWER- Vishnu S Nair Answered September 29, 2020*
> *Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon with a small percentage of
> other metals such as nickel, chromium, aluminium, cobalt, molybdenum,
> tungsten etc. Steel is a hard ductile and malleable solid and is probably
> the most solid material after plastic.*
> *One of the best steel company in India is JSW Steel. The company is a
> leading integrated steel manufacturer. and offers No 1 Steel In India. SW
> is also the first company to manufacture high-strength and advanced
> high-end steel products for its automotive segments.*
> *3RD ANSWER- V.Raghu Ram , Architect -**
> <>*
> *Answered December 2, 2017*
> *check for the following to find Best Steel*
> *ISI symbol Fe 500 , Fe 500 D ( ductile property)*
> *check for bending and cutting test in site.*
> *tensile test at site*
> *see the color and label*
> *these are the important things you can check to find the best steel.*
> *All the above QA are based on Quora digest to me on 14-09-2021. Quora
> answers need not be 100% correct answers *
> *Compiler- R. Gopala Krishnan, 77 dated 15 -09-2021*
> --
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