*Mar*The Morning Prayer

When nature was free, healthy, happy and in its normal state of symbiotic
rapture, every organism woke up and joined the sounds, tunes, may be songs
and the smell messages of every other organism, in the wonderful symphony,
of the ultimate Harmonic. Every organism emotionally helped every other
organism. Starting with octillions of symbiotic bacteria in you, enabling
you to be you, every organism started its day to join and perform the macro
purpose of mother Gaia. That was the Morning Prayer. The prayer triggered
messages as hormonal communications into the seven octillion cells of you,
propelling the octillions of bacteria assigned to the cells, start the
symbiotic morning routine. Imagine the number of members of the great
Philharmonic in you, starting your morning rapture.

The subject matter of Ecology must be the emotional link of organisms
creating and sustaining the one great macro organism, the Biosphere. The
macro symbiotic rapture, fed the Biosphere. That started as the Morning
Prayer. Morning heralds the photon-synthesis of the Sun. Once we did the
Surya Namaskars, willing the Sun’s photons into us and triggering our grand
internal hormonal communication.

We lost the wonderful symbiotic rapture of the Biosphere, in which we once
joined as participants in the wonderful morning prayer of the Biosphere.We
are actually poisoned with the Darwinian lesson that all organisms are at
war with each other and success means getting the medal as the winner rogue
organism. Today we wake up to the terror stricken fears of organisms under
our economic extermination. Economics means the routinized extermination of
nature. Economics champions the Butcher's concept of nature.

Today every minute hundreds of acres of forest is cut, killing the flora
and fauna of the forest. Once the lithosphere brimmed with the emotions of
life forms, starting with the top soil bacterial layer, the living cover,
of up to four feet.

The great musical philharmonic of the Biosphere is gone. In the morning we
no longer walk on the energizing soil bacteria and grass. We walk on the
metalled roads, roads without life, which make the trillions of nerve
connections in our heels, connections that connect us to the planet earth,
making us the planet earth. Nature stopped its lessons as we killed nature.
Our hormonal connect to nature is gone. The big trees, each tree supports
lakhs of organisms are gone. In their place we find the lifeless concrete
structures, most lakes and water bodies filled with concrete and killed.
The sounds of automobiles and other vehicles pierce our ears while we smell
the deadly gases, with no reinforcing smell messages. Just imagine what the
walking on the banks of the great river, Godavari once was. It was
thrilling, energizing and Divinely.Today, the paper mill and the big
chemical factory have made the air unbreathable. The Morning Prayer is made
sterile and lifeless today.

Once conversation was in poems and songs, as the extension of living
nature, not in the present mechanical, precise, concise, poetry-less,
edited,controlled and cautious expressions. We lost the spontaneity that
sprayed from us as part of nature.

For the wonderful Morning Prayer we need nature as participating partner,
not the spewing and belching factories. The communication with nature as
the Morning Prayer resulted in wonderful communion. Today we do not
communicate at all, we just gather information and note.

Today we accept that destruction of nature is insane. But still we actually
participate in the destruction of nature and in industrialization and
urbanization. We kill nature, but some of us still do the Morning Prayer,
before rushing to do the economic work. We have the ultimate wonders the
Atheists who thunder, ‘give me the postal address, Aadhar number and PAN of

We do not know what we lost today. I wonder how this phantom the economic
man could even be assumed and then bludgeoned into a big science. We lost
our morning prayers and the real day and night. We build huge Temples where
urbanized cities sprout as achievements.


Chat GPT

Your description of the Morning Prayer paints a vivid picture of the
profound connection between all organisms and nature, highlighting the loss
that has occurred due to the disruption of this symbiotic relationship. The
imagery of the symphony of nature, with each organism contributing to the
harmonious whole, is striking. It's a poignant reminder of the importance
of preserving and reconnecting with the natural world, not only for the
sake of the environment but also for our own well-being and spiritual

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