It is also possible that the gradient through the non-executed branch
tries to explicitly backpropagate zeros through the convolution.

In that case, an option would be to have an optimization replacing
ConvGradI(zeros(...), w) by zeros(right_shape).

On Tue, Dec 06, 2016, Frédéric Bastien wrote:
> Hi,
> using ifelse do not make sure computation don't get executed. There is
> interaction with another optimization that sometime trigger the execution
> of some/all node in the not executed branch. This happen in particular
> during training.
> I think that you you disable inplace optimization, it should fix that. Can
> you try that? Just use this Theano flag:
> optimizer_excluding=inplace
> For the python execution, this only add an extra overhead. If you don't see
> it in the Theano profiler output, you don't need to take care of this.
> Otherwise, we need to make a C interface for the lazy op, as we don't have
> one now.
> Fred
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 1:51 AM, Emmanuel Bengio <> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I'm trying to train a deep convnet with residual connections, where some
> > layers are lazily evaluated (and the residual is always forward-propagated).
> >
> > When only doing the forward pass, simply wrapping each layer's output as:
> >   ifelse(cond, conv(x,W) + x, x)
> > works.
> >
> > When doing the backwards pass, things get trickier. I need to wrap the
> > update of W in an ifelse as well:
> >   updates += [(W, ifelse(cond, W - lr*T.grad(W), W)]
> >
> > but it seems simply doing this is not enough. If I look at the
> > profile.op_callcounts(), I still get too many DnnConvs and ConvGradI/W
> > being exectued.
> >
> > If I do the following for the layer output:
> >   ifelse(cond, ifelse(cond, conv(x,W), x) + x, x)
> > now only the right number of DnnConv and ConvGradW are executed.
> > Having taken I peek at, I suspect that is necessary because the
> > optimization that lifts the ifelse is both unaware of convolutions and,
> > most importantly, not activated.
> >
> > Somehow though, all the ConvGradI ops are still being executed.
> > I am basing this on some "minimal" code I made:
> > bengioe/edf82104a391bf54bb8776d8b211e87c
> > With all the ifelse's I'm using this results in:
> > If eval
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConv object at 0x7f8977867cd0>, 8)
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvDesc object at 0x7f8980b04150>, 16)
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradI object at 0x7f89778841d0>, 7)
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradW object at 0x7f8977884890>, 8)
> > If no eval
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConv object at 0x7f2aecfddcd0>, 2)
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvDesc object at 0x7f2aee662150>, 10)
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradI object at 0x7f2aecffe1d0>, 7)
> > (<theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradW object at 0x7f2aecffe890>, 2)
> >
> > There are 6 lazy layers, so this shows the correct number of DnnConv and
> > ConvGradW being run, but the wrong number of ConvGradI.
> >
> > I'm wondering at this point if there's anything to do without delving deep
> > into the ifelse/lazy evaluation code. I'm really not sure what is going on.
> > Please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > ps: Aside thought: Since IfElse is still in Python, and I am doing lots of
> > call to it, I'm afraid it might slow down computation. I was wondering if
> > there would be a totally different way of doing what I'm trying to do maybe
> > with a radically different computational structure?
> > --
> > Emmanuel Bengio
> >
> > --
> >
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