Are vampires really scary?

While at several local events the past two weekends in the Lexington area where 
I was either promoting my Lexington Vampire and True Blood Examiner page as 
well as doing my Vampire Tarot readings, I had several conversations with other 
vendors and guests about vampires and whether they are scary of not.
The conversations began when I saw people physically moving away from my booth 
and going to other booths that were there. I asked the others around me and the 
replies were all the same: vampires are too dark, it makes you think of blood 
and blood letting and if you are doing vamipire tarot readings then it must 
bring vampires there. Wow! I hadn't thought of any of these comments.
Yes in the past I know that people think vampires are scary and dark but with 
the light vegetarian Twilight vampires, the hunky Damon and Stefan from The 
Vampire Diaries, and the sexy and yes very viscious vampires of True Blood. 
But, with vampires so mainstream I assumed that many of the fans would come to 
events and look for vampire related items. But, that has not been the case.
So, this weekend while doing Vampire Tarot readings at the Mystical Paranormal 
Fair I asked people if they thought that vampires were scary and even showed 
them the tarot cards that I had. Everyone said that the cards were beautiful 
but that it vampires are still scary.
So, now when I hear discussions like, "Twilight has made vampires not scary" or 
" Vampires have lost their scariness" I just laugh because there are a lot of 
people who still think of Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee as a vampire and not 
Edward Cullen or the Salvatore brothers.
I love vampires for so many reasons. The vampires that I like depend upon my 
mood. Scary but romantic- Dracula, Brooding- Angel, Psychotic- Spike, Rescuer- 
Mick St. John, modern and hot- Henry Fitzroy.
So, what do you think are vampires still scary? Do they still have the appeal 
that they once had? What is the scaries vampire to you?
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