Hey guys. I mentioned this story in Chapter 13, of The Viper's Snakling, which 
is AWESOME in my view so go check it out. I'm happy this story is being posted 
because I worked hard on it and I think all my Fang will love this, so here it 
it. And if you don't understand some things, there are explanations at the 
bottom of this chapter
I never understood the being of my existence. I am a vampire hunter, plain and 
simple. I have killed over thousands of those fanged bastards and I intent to 
kill many more. My work uniform consists of leather, leather and guns, blades, 
and lighters. I do this for a living, and I guess you could call me an assassin 
of the undead; I really don't give a fuck. My name? Why the hell would you want 
to know my name? First name basis shit? I don't think I know you well enough 
for that. Just call me Scythe, easy and simple and when this story gets along, 
maybe, just maybe you'll learn my name.
"Scythe" I turned around to face the person bold enough to call my name
"And you are?" I asked
"I need you to take care of a job for me" His face was covered like mines. He 
had a simple hood, unlike me, were I had a mask. Pure porcelain, painted black, 
red tears and white eyelashes. Bold, dark purple lips, as to say I'm not 
satisfied for my hunger of the fang.
"And you know, certain jobs require certain prices" I said to him, he nodded
"Oh, of course" He slid a long black envelope over the table to me. I looked at 
him, at my drink in my hand and then set it down. I opened the envelop, all 
cash, I smiled
"What are the details on this one?" I asked him, he smiled back at me, a smile 
that only the son of pure evilness could do.
"It's male, I've been trying to rid of the bastard ever since. He's killed my 
daughter and I want my revenge" I smile to him
"Your wish is my command" He's completely sated with my answer
"He's 104, here's a picture. I want him dead by tomorrow" I raise an eyebrow to 
"Have you lost your fucking mind?" I asked him, never changing my tone, posture 
or anything noticeable, except for my facial appearance.
"Another couple of grand will say otherwise" H slid another envelope across the 
table, same size of the first one.
"You sure know how to get a gal's attention" I told him, his smile just 
streamed of the evilness, and I knew I was going to have fun with him.
"No problem anymore huh? I want him dead by tomorrow, you can dispose of the 
body yourself" He told me, I slowly nodded
"Pleasure doing business with you" He said, and tipped his hat, I just nodded 
at him. I sipped the last of the drink before I slammed the glass at the 
opposite wall.
"Well, it's been some fun talking with you all. I have to depart" I got up, my 
black trench coat barely touching the floor, the sound my heels make when it 
touches the ground fills the patrons with fear. That fear goes to my monster 
inside and he feeds off of it, as if it were just made in its dietary plan. No 
one made a move or sound since I got up, and I loved it.
"We have a show to do!" I said, doing jazz hands. People thought I was mentally 
insane, but everyone know, when it comes to these jobs, I'm the only fucker 
that gets the job done. I pulled out the picture of my next target; here I come 
my sweet, here I come. I slipped the picture back and began my journey. He also 
wrote down where he would usually be, and so I went. It was a bar a few blocks 
over which made the walk oh, so more frightening; the mood of the night seemed 
ominous, just my type of mood. People walked as I walked the streets, like 
seeing a vampire fuck a unicorn really. When I came to the place, I smiled; 
Veil. I used to walk around like I owned this place; I don't now, I'm in the 
vamp business. I opened the doors and it seemed as if everyone stopped; as I 
walked the crowd split, and there's my target: the infamous Lestat Damien 
Oleander Addanc. I seductively walked over to the booth, he paused when I 
reached the table.
"Yes, Levitica?" I yanked out my dagger from my left side and stabbed it into 
the hard wood of the table
"You ever say my name again Addanc, I will make you so scared, so terrified 
you'll shit your pants" I told him
"Humorous. Me? I don't think you have the raw nerve" He said, a gleaming set of 
fangs shone to my eyes
"Oleander, don't test me" I told him, staring at him while he took his time 
indulging his drink
"And neither should I Obsidian" I stated, he looked at me, his brown wavy hair 
set perfectly on his face
"Let's dance December" He got up, and reached for my hand, moving so fluidly
"I think you've lost your mind Damien" I said to him
"If I've lost my mind, you've lost your mask; and I don't see that happening" 
He stated, I looked at him, everything about him stated pure vampiric.
"Well, then you may" He took my hand, while his other snaked around my waist.
"Dance with me my darling" He whispered in my ear
"People want you dead" I whispered back at him
"But you don't want me dead" He whispered
"Oh, but indeed I do" His lips were grazing my ear, this was the only vampire 
that I could never successfully kill and I hated it
"You're just angry because you never got the chance to kill me" His grip around 
my waist tightened, pressing my against him
"Oh, you're crafty. That's why I haven't killed you yet; like right now" I said
"What about this moment?" He smiled at me, his hair falling over his shoulders
"If I even tried to kill you, you'd get him" I turned my head to the left to 
look at his lookout, "him" I turned my head to the right to look at his other 
look out "and him" I looked at the other one, looking at us "to take me down 
even before I tried to kill you" I told him
"You" He leaned backwards to stare me in the eyes "Are one intelligent woman" I 
smiled, but he couldn't see behind my mask
"Yes, and you are a very difficult vampire" I told him
"Oh, of course Porcelain. If I wasn't, you wouldn't be falling for me" He said, 
he smiled showing me his very hungry, very lustful fangs
"Oh, believe me Damien, I'm not falling for you. I despise you, hate every 
moment you live and breathe on my territory" I told him, he barked out laughter
"Oh, my dear December we both know that what you state is not the truth" He 
said, and it was my turn to smile
"Oh, naïve, naïve, naïve Oleander. You were gullible; always gullible" His 
mouth was open, his small bottom lip letting his fangs appear almost ominously.
"Me? The Great Lestat? Gullible? I think not" He stated, I smiled
"I've been getting more and more Deathnotes for you" I told you
"Well, looks like I'm pissing more and more people off" He said, when the clock 
struck, I smiled
"Well, looks like we'll have to continue this conversation another time" That 
gong signaled 'All Alive'. Everyone put their hands up, and began jumping to 
the beat of the music
"Until we meet again my love" He smiled, I heard his fangs hit against my mask. 
I heard his lips softly kiss my mask
"Until we meet again" He let me go, and I walked into the crowd not turning 
back around to see if he was watching or not. Lestat never changed, and being 
frank; I don't think he will. I exited out the front door and began my long 
journey home, but first; back to the bar to get my motorcycle. I came into the 
parking lot and saw him, just sitting there nobly and majestically I smiled. He 
was black, with purple lace patterns all over; my father built it with his own 
two hands for me a memento of him. I got on Lace, and headed home to my 
apartment. I love to ride Lace, it always makes me think of my parents; my 
parents before they died under the despicable population of the fang. Not 
turned, but killed as some sort of ritual. I have so many books at home of it, 
of the vampires; their ways, their beliefs, their ceremonies almost everything. 
I wanted to find out who killed them, and their weaknesses, and strengths 
everything and when they least expect it, attack. I have killed 78 of the 100 
that were there and my despise for the Fang have been forever growing. I got to 
my building, parked and locked up Lace; and went up to my apartment, mostly 
it's a few gothic/emo kids scattered around on the three floors and that's 
about it. My apartment if the whole fourth floor, wanna know why? Cuz this was 
my parent's building, those kids are here because they raised them like they 
were their own and they are like my siblings, young, crazy stupid sibling. I 
laughed as I unlocked my door and stepped in. I threw my keys on the stand and 
then I locked my door, heading over to the glass case on the wooden stand. I 
removed my mask, setting it in the case, and locking it; there were special 
reasons I do what I do, because my parents made me that way. I unstrapped my 
belt, and unloaded all of my weapons; which are placed in a special case in my 
bedroom. I stripped of my clothing and turned on the shower, impatiently 
waiting for it to steam up the bathroom and when it did, I stepped in. What 
would I do tomorrow, that would differ from today? Maybe get a few more 
Deathnotes, maybe a few more kills. As I was lathering the soap, I realized 
something; in a few days is the anniversary of the death of my parents, and I 
always spent it with them. I smiled, maybe I toughen myself up because I want 
to protect them or maybe it's because of the vengeance that I want; I'm not 
sure. I heard a couple of knocks on the front door, I think it's one of the 
teens; If I don't say anything, they'll just come in anyway. I finished up in 
my shower and grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it around me.
"Levi?" He called
"Riley" I said, as I came out of the bathroom and he was sitting on the black 
couch "What's up?" I asked him
"Nothing much, anything happen today?" He asked me
"No, I just got a few kills and another infamous undeader. Nothing big" I said
"I bet it was that Addanc dude again" He said, I just shook my head, God! He 
knew too much
"Yes" I said and went in my bedroom to change
"Ya know, you get so many for that dude, I'd think people were trying to set 
you up" He yelled back at me from the couch. As I put my shorts on I laughed
"You must be out of your mind. Me? And a Fang? I don't think so" I told him
"Yeah, yeah. You're the badass vampire hunter who dare kills anyone who walks 
in your path, but I'm serious. Even though you hate the Fang, I think he likes 
you" He said
"He may but I  don't" I told him throwing a shirt over my head. I went in the 
bathroom to remove my makeup and then proceeded in the other room and sat down 
at the other end of the couch from Riley.
"I think you look beautiful without the mask or the makeup" He said, I smiled
"Thanks kiddo" He reminds me so much of my father
"You remind me so much of her" He could always do that, I never understand how
"You, and my father likewise" I said, and slowly nodded
"I don't understand why you hate all Fang, you're just too nice for that" He 
said, I looked at him thoughtfully
"You sir, your statement is just a beautiful lie"
So, here are a few clarifications:
Scythe is just a nickname for her, it's what she's known by, by all people
She wears a mask, mostly all the time and the only people who she doesn't wear 
the mask around are the kids
People pay her to take out vamps, she's a Fang Assassin :) (Nice play on words 
Lestat will be in many or most chapters and his back ground will be released 
later. He is Fang and him and Scythe have a difficult love/hate relationship
The different names Scythe and Lestat are calling each other are parts of their 
actual names, they have four different names, first, two middle and then a 
last, he also calls her Porcelain because of her mask. Only he calls her that
Her parents are dead, sadly killed by Fang in a ritual which will be discussed 
later, I hope you guys all like it, any questions, just ask


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