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Article Title:

Do You Have A Case Of 'The Stucks'?

Article Description:

We all get stuck from time-to-time somewhere in our lives.  This
article talks about where in their lives people get stuck, and it
includes some real life client stories about where people got
stuck and what they did to get unstuck.  

Additional Article Information:

1605 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-10-22 08:12:00

Written By:     Carol Chanel
Copyright:      2006
Contact Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Do You Have A Case Of 'The Stucks'?
Copyright (c) 2006 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

The Four Things You Need to Do To Get Unstuck

Are you stuck?  It happens to most of us at various times in our
lives.It happens to most of us at various times in our lives. 
And the thing about being stuck is that it feels like you'll
never get unstuck.

Before we can figure out how to get unstuck let's look at what
being stuck means.  To do that I want to give you some examples
from my clients. 


One of my previous clients came to me and was very stuck around
the area of her career.  She had a classic case of "the golden
handcuffs."  She didn't like what she was doing anymore, but she
was very well paid for it.  

She didn't want to decrease her income and she didn't know what
she wanted to do with her life. She didn't know her life
purpose, what work would give her life meaning. 

So we went to worked on the 'life purpose' portion first.  

We helped her discover her values and honor them.  It's one
thing to know know your valuesthem, it's another to truly live
your life by them.  And by the way, values aren't morals, they
are intrinsic to you – you are born with them.  And when you
aren't living your life according to your values – your life
feels awful and you can get stuck.

As my client and I worked together she finally got clear on her
life purpose and realized what her next steps were going to be. 
She quit her job as a CPA, got a part time job making in the high
five  5 figures, and went back to  to school to become to get her
masters in psychology.  She moved to another city, made new
friends, and is doing great really well in grad school.

She went fFrom stuck to moving forward in her career.


Let's look at another example.  I had a client who was highly
very successful and highly stuck in the areas of balance and
relationships. They were interconnected because she worked all
the time and had "no life."  You can't have a life if you work
15- hour days, six or seven  6 or 7 days a week.  You are
exhausted, you can't exercise, probably don't eat right, can't
meet new people and your health is probably suffering.  And that
was the case with this client. That was her case.  She was stuck
- working all the time and hated her life.  And, of course, she
physically felt awful and she didn't have the energy to date and
hadn't for quite a while. 

The first thing we did was to have her draw some boundaries and
take four days off from work.  You might think that sounds easy,
but to someone who is stuck, is very  this is difficult to do. 
She was scared to death that thought she would lose her job, and
she didn't have any friends so she didn't know what to with
four days of for four days.

As it turned out, she slept for four days.  Over about a three-
month period, we worked to have her increase her boundaries to ,
not only , cut back her work hours – shorter days, no weekends -
start; o start an exercise program and to schedule a real
vacation.  As she honored her boundaries - no small feat – she
began to feel healthy again, started making friends, and joined a
gym. and started exercising again,  She also and took a three-
week vacation to Italy that includedand one week of that was

She went from stuck and out of balance with no friends or dates,
to dating, vacationing, exercising and , doing fun things with
friends. And and guess what? Sshe got a huge raise.

This client went from stuck and out of balance to happy and


You can see by now that with the guidance of a trained
professional there are specific steps or actions you can take to
get unstuck. Are you beginning to see that there are some
definite things, that with the guidance of a trained professional
that you could do to get unstuck.

Let's look at one more example.  I had a client who was stuck in
the area of his love life.  To quote him: 'his love life
sucked.'  And he was miserable because of it.

He  was stuck and couldn't move out of feeling badly about
himself and thought he would never meet anyone.  And here's the
thing – he was successful, handsome, fit, healthy, really smart,
dressed beautifully and was a great guy.  Only he didn't know

So what do you do with a guy who is stuck in the area of love? 
You teach him about love.  And have him look at why he was afraid
of love and, in his case, kept pushing it away.  I think most of
us can agree that being sStuck without any love or hope of love
in your life, feels awful.  

So we had him look at why he protected himself, had him start to
draw boundaries, did a lot of work in the spiritual realm around
quieting his ego.  You know that critical voice that says the
most unbelievable things to you.  'You idiot how could you have
said anything so stupid, she'll probably never want to go out
with you now.'  Or, 'Are you out of your mind, you can't ask
that beautiful woman out, she'd never say yes to you.'  Theose
are the thoughts , that stop you before you really get going.  

As he worked to quiet that critical voice, he began to see the
good qualities he had, that he had a lot of friends, and that his
past behavior and choices had just been a protective mechanism. 

He worked hard to be vulnerable, to admit his good qualities, and
when he made a mistake he learned to course correct and keep

And now he's repaired an old relationship and is dating a
gorgeous beautiful woman.

He went from stuck and a love life that sucked to love with a
loving relationship and a quieter mind.

These three people  were all suffered from a chronic case of
'the stucks' and they all did very specific things to get

Let's look at what they did.  In the first case the client
discovered and honored her values and quieted her critical voice
that said she didn't know what she wanted to do and would never
know.  She began to trust that she had a purpose. Aand guess
what? It it showed up.

With the second client who was stuck in balance and friendships,
she really worked on developing and honoring her boundaries, got
clear on and honored her values and honored those, and began to
believe in her own personal value.  She began to trust herself
and developed a great life and made more money.

The third client learned to quiet that critical voice, discovered
his values, developed good boundaries, and started trusting that
he was a really good guy.

So what's the answer to getting unstuck?: 

 You'll need to know and do the following things:
Boundaries – strong, firm; you stick to your boundaries once you
draw them.

Values – not morals – things like integrity, freedom, full self-
expression, romance, accomplishment and many, many more., Eeach
individual has their own. You need to honor your values once you
are clear about them.

Quieting the Critical Voice – the ego will try to protect you and
keep you from changing, i.e. getting unstuck.  Your job is to
notice that voice and choose another perspective.  So when you
hear the criticism, you replace it with a new, positive
perspective that you can truly believe.  'You'll never have the
relationship you want' to 'I am dating and meeting wonderful
people.'  'I am safe to love and have a committed
relationship.'  'I am in an exciting, loving, fun, committed
relationship.'  Whatever works for what you can believe at each

The learning here is knowing what the critical voice is saying
and the doing is to replace it with a positive perspective.

The fourth and most crucial thing that everyone must have to get
unstuck is TRUST.  You have to believe that you can do it, trust
yourself, trust the universe and trust those helping you to get
unstuck.  You have to learn to TRUST and have FAITH.

Trying It is very difficult to get unstuck by yourself isn't
easy.  I know.  I was stuck trying to market my business and
needed to find the perfect person to help me.  I knew my values
and so I knew I needed to listen to what was true for me, draw my
boundaries around what I was willing to change and quiet the
voice that said I didn't know how to market.  Then I had to
trust the man I hired  - trust that he was a brilliant marketing
person who could help me.  And he did just that.  And I am no
longer stuck in the area of marketing my business and, in fact,
now it's fun!!

I wish you a fun and enjoyable adventure as you begin to get
unstuck.  One last and very important piece of advice – it takes
time.  It's a process.  Be patient and compassionate with
yourself.  Once you set your mind to it, you'll look back three
to six months from now and say – "Wow, I am unstuck.  Hurray!!!"

Happy getting unstuck!!

Carol Chanel is a Certified Personal Life Coach who works with 
people by phone, from all over the world, to help them get 
UNSTUCK, have more self-confidence, feel inspired and attract 
romantic, healthy relationships.

You can contact her at:


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